Today on the podcast Havilah is coming to you from Brazil!

We’re staying on the topic of transition as many of you have been responding to these podcasts saying that they have helped you through your transition.

Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.”

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. It is impossible to please God by living a life worthy of the calling you have received (Ephesians 4:1) without living in faith. Living with the assurance of the things we have not yet seen is truly pleasing to God.

You know that this is what you’re supposed to do, and you’ve gone far enough that you can’t go back but if we don’t have the right balance, the right effort and the right momentum we won’t make it, we will fall over.

Many of us are right in the middle. We’re not going back; we’re not in the full calling and momentum of what the next season holds but being in that spot is FAITH.

Faith is that space of what we once knew and what we know to be true. It feels like pausing, waiting and not knowing where we’re heading.

That’s normal, so don’t change your motivation and direction. Go forward! Faith is not a feeling; it is an assurance. Without the assurance that the next season is coming, you cannot please God.

The more we live in faith, the more hope we will have for the future.

If you’re in transition today, know that faith is that weird pause, that in between. But don’t let your brain wander, don’t let your emotions dominate because you can’t enjoy the journey that way. Set your mind on God and let the Word of God surround you. You will get there, just keep going forward.


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