NOTE BEFORE SHOW: If you'd prefer actual video of the interview:

Robert is a 7th-Generation Vermonter, born in Rutland in 1958. I am a descendant of William Brewster of the Mayflower and count among my ancestors a Great-Grandfather, Great-Great Grandfather, and Great-Grandmother who were all artists.

I graduated from St. Michael's College in 1980 with two degrees, one in Fine Arts and the other in History. This, of course, rendered me unfit for employment, so I went on to get a Master’s in Art Education from Castleton University in 1985.

From 1981 to 2012, I was the art teacher at the Browns River Middle School. Since 1995, I have served on the Board of Directors of the Northern Vermont Artist Association, first as president and now as vice president. I am a founding member of the Vermont Comic Creators Group. 

Read the Previous Interview:

Mr. Brunelle:

Haunted Vermont:


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