This episode we journey back to Africa, specifically to Kibera, unbeknownst to me, the biggest slum city in Africa. This city is located on the east coast in the beautiful country of Kenya, and is home to an unconfirmed number of people, somewhere in between 250,000 and 1 million people (most reports stating it's closer to the latter figure). 

We talk to Marcus Azzam about Kibera, and his involvement with the humanitarian organisation called 'Impoverished Children'. Marcus is a captain with Etihad Airways, and came to be involved with this organisation after originally being involved in Dhaka with Eva (see Episodes 2 & 3). Over his travels, he became deeply involved with the team down there, and gained a close bond with many of the children and families from the area.
Marcus highlights in this episode the way of life for the people of Kibera, their daily struggles, health issues, and having to live with the uncertainty of potentially not having a home from one day to the next. We also hear a little bit about the children that are being cared for in the school that is being run by the organisation, and the people involved in hopefully creating a brighter future for them.

Thank you to Marcus for giving us an insight into what is happening down there, and we hope that you find what you listen to truly inspiring. For a full written transcript of this interview, visit