Following on from our last episode, we continue our chat with Marcus Azzam, crew with Etihad, and his experiences with 'Impoverished Children' down in a Kenyan slum called Kibera. 

On the east coast of Africa, these children are born into some of the worst conditions known to man... 'Impoverished Children' run by Katherine, who hails from Australia alongside her husband and some very dedicated human beings, are doing their utmost to change the live of some of these children, and in turn their families.

This episode focusses more on what Katherine and her team are doing as part of the curriculum, in regards to the style of teaching, what kind of subjects they are doing, and how the children are encouraged to share with their families.

You can also find out about how you can become involved, for example through volunteering in some capacity, sharing knowledge of your interests; or just by visiting the organisation and perhaps giving food and clothing to help them all out. The children love to be visited, giving them a feeling of importance and self-worth!

Thank you again to Marcus for giving us an insight into what is happening down there, and we hope that you find what you listen to truly inspiring. For a full written transcript of this interview, visit www.