Previous Episode: 8. Eco Dream Team

Cats... you might love them or hate them. But, no matter which one of these, a cat is still a beautiful creation put here on earth... for loving, to love, to chase mice, or be chased by dogs, to scratch sofas, to rub up against your leg... or just sit there and be doted on hand and foot until they're satisfied. No matter what, cats have a place on this earth, just like any other creature.
Sadly though, many cities or even countries don't have plans or actions in place to control what has become somewhat of an excessive population. Due to a lack of knowledge, a lack of care, and perhaps a level of greed... 
In one area of Dubai however, there are a group of dedicated airline crew, trying to combat this problem. Through an overabundance of care, hard work and persistence they are really trying to make a difference, firstly with care of the street cats, education to those that might not have knowledge about cats, and through their hard earned money.
Join us for part one as we chat with Anamarija and Monika, the two girls at the centre of the Facebook group Crew4Paws, and find out what the story is with these cats, and how you could maybe help this situation, and perhaps fall in love with your own furry little feline.