Previous Episode: 7. Feedback: A Recap

Environment is one of those topics hot on the lips of many people these days... but for Deanna, our next Hatrack Hero, it's more than just this. 
Cabin crew, also in the Middle East, Deanna is living and breathing a world of recycling and sustainability, trying to raise awareness, educate, and get people to practice the very simple habit of recycling... plastic especially. 
So much wastage is going towards landfill, which is by no means a solution to the tonnes and tonnes of plastic and other materials we are all using... something needs to be done now, or we risk even more damage to our beautiful earth.
It's not an easy task for Deanna in trying to make a difference... she hits many road bumps along the way. Whether it be in regards to laws, permission, laziness, selfishness, or plain greed... she pushes through, doing her best to make a change, not only in her community, but within the company she works for.