Hello dear listeners, Hat Collecting is back!

Episode 26 will release on Monday, Jun 7th, and the show should be back to a bi-weekly release schedule going forward. Additionally I'm excited to announce a new mini-series from Hat Collecting: "Fascinators"!

A fascinator is a smaller, ornamental alternative to a hat, and Fascinator episodes will be shorter and will focus on a specific topic, rather than being more broad and big picture like the main show. 

The first episode is out now, and it takes a look at the philosophy of Relationship Anarchy with Nadi from episode #13.

Fascinator episodes will be around 20 minutes long, and will be video only (ie only on my YouTube channel for the time being). So if you're not already subscribed on YouTube, now is a great time so you will know when the next Fascinator drops!


Fascinators will also allow me to have on certain guests who may not have enough free time to do a full episode but want to share their expertise, or for past guests to return to dig a little deeper into one of their hats that we couldn't do on the main show.

So I hope you will check out the Fascinator mini-series and as always like and subscribe, and leave a rating or review on iTunes to help others find the show!
