So I’ve been in the nonprofit world for my entire career and although I am an expert in the space there are a lot of things about the industry that I don’t like and am in fact on a mission to change. The good news is that there is nothing inherently wrong with nonprofits, they’re a great way to structure a business offering a public service. They require a board for checks and balances and give community members, funders, and other stakeholders the opportunity to give back to causes that speak directly to their heart…but nonprofits are messy because well..humans run them. The majority of problems nonprofits face are the direct result of the leadership that runs them. That’s right…its a YOU problem, but that's actually the good news because YOU is something we can change, and when we do not only will the nonprofit be better off, but those you serve, your volunteers, and staff will be better off too. And it’s not your fault that you may have some limiting beliefs that hold you back…I also had these limiting beliefs it’s not because I wasn’t confident or because I even came up with them, no, the industry fed me these beliefs and I had to fight through a lot of imposter syndrome before I felt confident saying, “ya know what…the whole industry has this wrong”…and trail blaze my own path. So today I’m going to go through some myths that I think only hold nonprofits back, and I hope it gives you permission to think differently. Get your free webclass at