In this episode of Hart2Heart with host Dr. Mike Hart Dr. Hart talks with Eva Chipiuk, a Canadian lawyer known for her role in cross-examining Justin Trudeau. They discuss a range of topics from the legal implications of the Canadian government's actions during the pandemic to the nuances of political dynamics in Canada. They also touch on topics like the influence of international organizations on Canadian policies, the carbon tax, and the need for more transparent governance.

Show Notes:

[0:00] Welcome back to the Hart2Heart Podcast with Dr. Mike Hart. Dr. Hart introduces Eva Chipiuk to the listeners    

[2:30] The legal process related to the Emergencies Act

[4:50] The decision-making process behind cross-examining Justin Trudeau

[7:25] Insights into Trudeau's response during the cross-examination

[13:45] Tucker Carlson and media influence

[17:00] Eva’s thoughts on the polarization in political discourse

[20:25] The role of personal autonomy in policy-making

[25:35] Eva shares her experience as a business owner during COVID-19

[36:30] Empowered Canadians

[37:00] Discussion about the carbon tax and its impact on Canadians

[41:00] The importance of Canadian citizens’ involvement in governance

[46:00] Alliance for Responsible Citizenship

[50:30] WHO and UN on Canadian policies

[54:00] Listeners can find Eva Chipiuk on X @forevaeva79 and her website:


Dr. Mike Hart is a Cannabis Physician and Lifestyle Strategist. In April 2014, Dr. Hart became the first physician in London, Ontario to open a cannabis clinic. While Dr. Hart continues to treat patients at his clinic, his primary focus has shifted to correcting the medical cannabis educational gap which exists in the medical community. 

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