In this episode of Hart2Heart with host Dr. Mike Hart. Dr. Mike Heart sits down with filmmaker and social commentator Aaron Gunn, best known for his controversial documentary "Canada is Dying." Together, they navigate the challenging landscape of Canada's drug crisis, issues with the healthcare system, and concerns with criminal justice. From the opioid epidemic's harsh realities to the inadequacies of the public healthcare system, Aaron gives his perspective and calls for reform across multiple societal dimensions. Whether it's demystifying government initiatives or unearthing the inadequacies in the justice system, this episode offers an unfiltered look into the pressing issues facing Canada today.

Show Notes:

[0:00] Welcome back to the Hart2Heart Podcast with Dr. Mike Hart. Today’s guest is  filmmaker and social commentator Aaron Gunn   

[0:30] Question: Aaron, can you give us a brief background about yourself?

[1:30] Aaron dives into why he chose investigative journalism and documentary filmmaking

[1:55] Canada Is Dying 

[4:59] Question: With regards to opioid deaths, you kind of said mostly young men, do you see that group being the most affected by what you're discussing?

[8:29] Exposure around the troubling cycle where clean opioids distributed by the government are traded for stronger drugs

[9:26] Question: What's been the mainstream media's coverage of all this compared to say what people are saying on the street or what the people in BC believe is going on?

[13:17] Question: When you have looked into the numbers, what have they shown? Have they shown that when safe supply has been available more people are dying?

[15:58] Normalization of opioid addiction, contrasting it with anti-smoking and anti-drinking campaigns

[16:05]  “I can't think of anything, more toxic with more negative side effects than becoming addicted to opioids. I mean, it's a cruel and destructive, force to become beholden to.”

[18:35] Question: You had some people you interviewed with regards to repeat offenders, and it seems like there are people in Canada who are repeating crimes over and over, violent crimes, and they keep getting released. Can you go over a little bit of that with us? 

[21:57] The duo tackles the inadequate punishments for violent crimes

[27:19] The importance of informed citizens for a robust democracy

[31:24] Advocacy for competition and private sector involvement in healthcare

[31:28] Question: When you were making this documentary, what was the most surprising finding that you found?

[37:30] Efficiency in Healthcare

[38:30] Analysis of international healthcare models, including Sweden and the UK, offering alternatives for Canada

[41:15] Question: Is a two-tier system from your research the best way to go or who would be the best country to model after if we were to reform healthcare here in Canada?

[46:00]  Openness towards a two-tier healthcare system in Canada

[50:11] How private hospitals could actually benefit public healthcare[58:01] Check more out from Aaron Gunn on Instagram @aarongunn, X @aarongunn and, Facebook @aarongunn


Dr. Mike Hart is a Cannabis Physician and Lifestyle Strategist. In April 2014, Dr. Hart became the first physician in London, Ontario to open a cannabis clinic. While Dr. Hart continues to treat patients at his clinic, his primary focus has shifted to correcting the medical cannabis educational gap which exists in the medical community. 

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