In this captivating episode of Hart2Heart, Dr. Mike Heart sits down with veteran and high-level scientist, Andrew G Huff. Their dynamic conversation journeys from Andrew’s military background to his extensive knowledge in scientific research, diving deep into PTSD's complexities. They explore intriguing topics like the benefits and risks of using cannabis and psychedelics as treatments and the global implications of food security and sovereignty. Through personal anecdotes, expert insights, and a shared passion for truth, this episode uncovers mysteries in both the military and scientific worlds.


00:00:00 - Introduction of guest Andrew G Huff.

00:05:00 - Insight into why some soldiers don’t develop PTSD.

00:08:00 - The significance of pre-combat life history on PTSD development.

00:17:00 - The promising role of psychedelics in PTSD treatment.

00:24:00 - Andrew's association with Robert Kennedy Jr.

00:29:00 - Debate over a 91% ultra-processed food diet.

00:34:00 - China's influence on North American pork production.

00:40:00 - Andrew's perspective on the current U.S. political climate.