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Harmony Baptist Church

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8 God's Word and Life on Earth

February 09, 2021 01:38 - 39 minutes - 16.8 MB

How shall we live---When Jesus was led into the wilderness, he fasted for 40 days and nights. Matthew 4-2 seems to state the obvious that he was hungry. The Devil came to him and pointed out the stones on the ground, saying it would be possible for the Son of God to make them be bread. Jesus responded by quoting part of Deuteronomy 8-3- -It is written , Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God- -Matthew 4-4-.--When Jesus went to Samaria, he ...

7 God's Word for the Despondent

February 09, 2021 01:33 - 41 minutes - 18.1 MB

Why Bother---Elijah was an Old Testament prophet during the reign of King Ahab in Israel. The pinnacle of his prophetic career came on Mt. Carmel, where he had the famous showdown with the 450 prophets of Baal. He won the contest and killed all those idolatrous prophets -1 Kings 18-. Jezebel, Ahab's wife, sent word she was going to kill him, so Elijah fled. After fleeing, he sat down under a Juniper tree asked God to take his life -1 Kings 19-4-. He was despondent because he thought he was th...

6 God's Word in Our Mouths

February 09, 2021 01:30 - 39 minutes - 17.2 MB

What are you afraid of---We've been told for many years that more Americans feared public speaking than anything else. Survey answers have changed in recent years with other things coming ahead of public speaking in the fears department, but it's still there somewhere. From my own experience, most people don't like it, whether it is their number one fear or not. Being put on the spot in front of a group of people is nerve wracking. All eyes and ears are focused on you and the stage is set for...

5 God's Word and the Heart

February 09, 2021 01:27 - 40 minutes - 17.8 MB

His own heart, who can know---We expect and brace for attacks from without, but what about the problems we face from within- Devotion to God's word puts us at cross purposes with the world around us, but the struggle for devotion also comes from within. The heart is fickle and easily divided. Our passions and resolutions are easily diluted by lesser pursuits.--The fifth stanza of Psalm 119 focuses on the internal struggles of the writer and teaches us to look at God's word for the renewing ch...

4 God's Word in Time of Trouble

February 09, 2021 01:18 - 46 minutes - 20.1 MB

Tried and Failed--Be honest. Have you ever tried to read the whole Bible- Did you do it- All Christians have moments where our thoughts and intentions are high concerning the Bible. Maybe around New Years we think of reading the Bible every day in the upcoming year, and maybe even reading it all the way through. Genesis starts out pretty well, but if we make it out of Exodus, Leviticus will kill our reading plan for sure.--Maybe you realize you need to study the Bible more deeply, but you don...

3 God's Word in Real Life

February 09, 2021 01:13 - 42 minutes - 18.6 MB

Being Tested--Sitting in comfortable chair with a good light, a hot cup of coffee, and an open Bible is not the setting for testing our mettle. It's easy then to have grand thoughts and ample feelings of courage. It's easy to think of how strong our resolve is and find our commitment unimpeachable. Getting out in the real world and finding yourself out of step with the general order of things is a bit different. Facing opposition and hostility around you is very different from sitting in your...

2 The Word Within Us

February 09, 2021 01:10 - 41 minutes - 18.2 MB

What should we do with God's word---What does God expect us to do with his word---If any of us would write a letter to our family members, we would do so wanting them to read it. God has given us a written word he obviously intends for us to read, study, understand, and keep. This requires effort and patience on our part. Growing in understanding the Bible is a slow and painstaking process. When the writer of this psalm prays not to be forsaken, he acknowledges his need to persevere in this p...

1 Knowing God by His Word

February 09, 2021 01:04 - 43 minutes - 18.9 MB

What is Psalm 119 about- Psalm 119 is a Hebrew poem, or psalm, expressing gratitude and love for God's written word as the greatest treasure, because we come to know God through his written word. This psalm is about the relationship we have with God through reading and keeping his word.--Out of the 150 Psalms in the Bible, three are explicitly about the Bible, or the Scriptures- Psalm 1, 19, and 119. Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm with 176 verses. It is arranged in 22 stanzas with 8 verses ea...