Now with Memorial Day in the United States coming up, I wanted to have an episode on rabbit memorials from personal memorials to public memorials and statues.
We will also cover Brer Rabbit Fools Sis Cow, A Georgia Folktale.  The Plant of the Week:  Shepard's Purse.  The Word of the Week: Ancestry.  And conclude with the News.
We will start with ideas on how to Memorializing a rabbit.  There was a great article by Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed.
I need to emphasize the importance of focusing on positive memories of your rabbit. Remembering the good times that you shared with your rabbit can help counteract the guilt and grief that come with its loss.
One way to help yourself focus on those positive memories is to develop a memorial to your pet -- a tribute or reminder that will actively help you access and concentrate on those recollections. Creating such a tribute can be an effective tool to help you cope with grief (though it may certainly produce a few tears in the process!), and it will also provide you with a loving reminder of your rabbit in the years to come.
There are many ways to memorialize a rabbit, and we are now going to cover a few of the most popular:
1) Develop a photo tribute. One way to do this is to choose an especially good photo of your rabbit and have it beautifully framed, and place it where it will bring you the most comfort. Another is to gather a collection of representative photos, such as photos of your rabbit engaged in different activities, and at different ages, and turn them into a collection or collage. You can purchase mats with cutouts for as many as 20 photos (perhaps even more), and this provides a lovely way to display a collection. You can then put the matted collection in a nice frame, which will help preserve it.
2) Have a portrait painted. Many pet portrait artists list their services in pet magazines; you may also find one in your local yellow pages. (You can also find such services online by searching under "pet portraits."). These artists generally work from photos (it being a bit difficult to persuade a pet to "sit" for a portrait). All you need to do, therefore, is to find a good quality photo of your rabbit (preferably one that gives a good view of its face) and send or bring it to the artist. Many people consider a portrait that is an original work of art to be a great tribute to a pet.
3) Create a craft tribute. If you enjoy a particular type of art or craft, consider using that to memorialize your rabbit. For example, my neighbor used a needlepoint kit that resembled her Rottweiler to create tribute. You can also find services that will transfer your rabbits photo onto a needlepoint canvas, or create a canvas from a photo. If you have a knack for painting ceramics or plaster, consider painting a statue that resembles your rabbit.
4) Create a written tribute. A written tribute can take just about any form: A poem to or about your rabbit, a letter to your rabbit (or even "from" your rabbit to you), an account of your rabbit's life, or anything else that seems an effective way of expressing your feelings and memories. This could also be done as a family project, with each member contributing their own materials, which can then be assembled in a single volume that can be shared by all.
With today's printing technologies, you can even extend this option by having an actual bound book printed that includes both written tributes and photos. The easiest way to do this is to prepare the written tributes on a computer and print them off in the desired format, with your choice of fonts, formats, and colors. Have your favorite photos scanned (or scan them yourself if you have a scanner). You can then create a simple layout of text and artwork using a basic word-processing program, or print out the photos and text and assemble them by hand. Your book can then be reproduced and "bound" at your local print or copy shop. This will cost a few dollars, but is a nice way to make copies for family members.
5) Post a tribute online. A number of sites offer this as a free service; you'll find some of those listings in our links section. Because so many sites do offer this service at no cost, I do not recommend paying for this service -- unless you feel that the site is sponsored by a worthy organization and your fee will directly contribute to that organization. Many sites also let you post a picture of your pet.
Memorial Pages at House Rabbits.
These pages have been built in loving memory of some very special house rabbits who have passed away. They also have a pet loss FAQ that you might find useful. If your house rabbit has a memorial page and you'd like it added to our list of links, send them an email.
6) Plant a tree. A company called Treegivers offers to plant a tree in your rabbit's name, in the state of your choice. Or, plant a tree or special plant in your own garden for "remembrance." Your city parks department might also allow you to plant a tree in a city park in memory of your rabbit.
7) Obtain a special urn for your rabbit's ashes. If you have chosen cremation for your rabbit, you may wish to keep its ashes in a decorate urn. Today, you can find a marvelous array of urns on the market. They come in fine woods, stained glass, gleaming metal, or even as carvings of specific breeds. To find lists of urn manufacturers, check the classifieds and back-page ads of major pet magazines, or check on-line.
8) Contribute to an animal welfare organization. Often, animal shelters will provide a plaque or paving stone with your rabbit's name on it for a minimum donation. For example, when the humane society in Olympia, Washington, relocated, it offered brass plaques that were used to line the walls in the main lobby; for a donation, one could have one's pet's name and a message etched on the plaque. Nor are you limited to pet organizations; when our local library, opened its new facility, it offered paving stones that could be etched with a message, and many tributes to beloved pets became a permanent part of the facility.
9) Contribute to the cure. If your rabbit died of a particular disease, there may be a research organization that is seeking a cure. A contribution to that organization may help other pets (and pet owners) in the future.
10) Shop for a memorial item. Believe it or not, shopping can be immensely therapeutic. We still have a beautiful bronze key hanger that is shaped like a cat that my wife purchased when a beloved cat died nearly 15 years ago.
11) Put your rabbit's picture in a photo-display box (one that has a place in the top for a photo). Put some of the rabbit's treasures inside the box, such as a collar or a lock of hair.
12) Place a memorial stone or marker in your garden, even if you have not buried your rabbit at home, or place a special statue (not necessarily a funeral marker) in a garden spot that your rabbit loved, such as a statue of a rabbit, or of an angel, or St. Francis. We have a link to some memorial stones at the on the featured items page.

This weeks item is a memorial stone:

This weeks item is a bit more solemn. This is a memorial stone to commemorate your rabbit. On a personal note from the manufacture: They are pet owners as well, and they are proudly owned by them. Never ever a harder day than the moment they moved on – And they DO UNDERSTAND. You will need to use the contact seller's email to send the info you would like. This 12" x 6" x 3/8" piece of Granite is engraved with the image of a rabbit as shown. The personalized text (you can have whatever you like), as a default, they have: Name of your pet, date of birth and passing, and "Thank you for being the best bunny and the most wonderful companion. There will never be another one like you. Rest easy my girl, until we meet again. You will be deeply missed." Thank you very much for your purchase and allowing us to help. This Frosted Engraved Black Granite Personalized Rabbit Pet Memorial Stone is natural stone that is polished with a smooth surface and a high sheen. Being a natural product, which means there can be variations in color and pattern, and sometimes what you get delivered may be touch different than what you see in the display but as in nature all is most acceptable. The memorials are designed and made exclusively in the Lazzari Collections ™ Studio.

13) Keep a journal to help you through the grieving process. Record your pet's life story in that journal.
14) Build your own website in tribute to your rabbit.
15) You could also memorialize your Rabbit with a decal for your car, or with modern 3d printing you could have a 3d figure printed of your rabbit.
16) Get a tattoo!
What I don't recommend is turning a memorial into a "shrine". I realize that some people really like shrines, but in my view, this tends to keep one's mind and heart focused on "death and loss" and not on living, loving, and remembering. Your rabbit was a part of your life, and its tribute should also be a part of your life, and not a perpetual reminder of its death.
Rainbow Bridge – When House Rabbits Pass Away
By Bunny Approved April 14, 2014
To everyone who has lost a dear, sweet bun in the past, our sincere condolences. Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult events in our lives, no matter if the deceased is of the human or furry variety. Even though this is a topic no one really likes to think about, we thought we’d take this opportunity to talk about death. Specifically, what happens with our rabbits when they pass away.
We humans are advised to have a will in preparation for any sudden fatal accidents or illnesses. We think that it is equally important to prepare for a house rabbit’s death. After all, making a good decision will be much harder when we are overcome with grief. So here are some of the options we have when our bunnies pass away. We decided to present all the ones we found relevant, without judgment.
Backyard Burial
If you have a bit of land and don’t expect to move in the near future, you might want to bury your pet in your backyard. It’s a good idea to call your local authorities and ask if the burial of a pet is allowed and if there are any restrictions, as this can vary between areas. At the very least you want to call your local utility providers before you dig anywhere. They will send someone over to your property within 2 business days and mark underground lines for free, no questions asked. The grave itself should be as deep as possible to avoid interference from wild animals. Your state, county, or town might even have regulations around that, but 3-4 feet is a good minimum. Some people like the idea of wrapping the body in plastic and placing it in a casket for further protection, others prefer to keep all materials bio-degradable. Caskets can be made out of crates, baskets, wood, or cardboard or you can purchase one from places like etsy or an online/local pet burial service. Even headstones, mausoleums, and urns are available. The great thing about a grave on your own property is that you can decorate it as you wish and visit it as often as you like.
If you would like to have your rabbit buried in your backyard, you can also contact the local pet cemetery and request a home-burial. That way you get the professional service, but your pet stays with you near your home.
Cemetery Burial
A quick google search made it pretty clear – there are many pet cemeteries all over the United States. Many of these places offer full burial or cremation services for pets. One pet cemetery local to us even writes: “We encourage pre-planning, as it is easier to make selections prior to the loss of your pet. At this time you can choose casket and plot, and setup a payment plan according to your budget.” Costs for such a burial vary based on where you are located and what kind of casket you choose, but after calling several different cemeteries it should be around $350 for a pet rabbit, including the plot of land, a simple casket, and a private service.
The process of cremation includes high-temperature burning of bodies with ashes as the final result. Your vet will know a trustworthy service in your area or you can find one yourself. Either way, there are two kinds of cremation services available. You can choose a communal one where several animals are cremated at once. This is the less expensive option, but you cannot get your pet’s remains returned to you, as they are mixed with those of other pets. An individual or private cremation is more expensive, but you can opt to keep the remains. If you do that, you will receive the ashes in a sealed bag inside a sturdy box or another specialized container. Some places allow you to be present while the cremation is going on and they generally offer personalized urns, headstones, or lockets/pendants. You can also purchase those on etsy or other websites. Prices depend on the services you ask for, but should range anywhere from $30-$400.
Once your rabbit is cremated, there are several things you can do with the remains. You could bury them in your backyard or a pet cemetery and place a grave marker on top. Planting a tree or a small flower garden right above the grave would also be a great memorial. Some people like to keep the remains in an urn and have it on display over the fireplace or in another area of the home. Spreading the ashes in a park or your rabbit’s favorite spot in the backyard is also an option. If you want to keep your rabbit’s remains with you at all times, you can purchase a memorial locket that could hold the ashes and a picture or poem. Life Gem also offers diamond rings made from the cremated remains of pets and other loved ones.
Pet Preservation
There are several businesses out there that can preserve a deceased pet rabbit and create a lasting memorial for the bereaved. Taxidermy involves preparing and stuffing the skin of the animal, but there is also a special freeze dry technology that leaves the pet intact. The costs for such services range from $150-800 for a pet rabbit (prices are based on weight).
Trash Disposal
Most animals smaller than a cat can be disposed of with the regular trash. All you need to do is place the animal in a sealed plastic bag with a a visible note attached that confirms what’s inside. Please check with your local authorities to confirm (you might have to schedule a special pick-up).

Hopping mad: South African ministers furious to discover sculptors who created Nelson Mandela memorial included a RABBIT inside his ear
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A 30ft sculpture of Nelson Mandela has angered South African officials as the sculptors left a ‘signature’ on the artwork – a sculpted rabbit tucked inside one of the bronze ears. The bronze memorial, which was unveiled outside the government complex in Pretoria, after Mandela’s funeral on December 16, is billed as the largest statue of the South African leader in the world. Officials demand that the miniature rabbit is to be removed from the statue, claiming it mocks Mandela and his life’s work. The department of arts and culture said it didn't know the two sculptors, Andre Prinsloo and Ruhan Janse van Vuuren, had added a rabbit, said to be a discreet signature on their work. The bronze rabbit, sitting on its haunches with one floppy ear, is about half the height of the ear canal.
‘It doesn't belong there,’ said Mogomotsi Mogodiri, a department spokesman. ‘The statue represents what everyone in South Africa is proud of.’ His department said in a statement that there are discussions on ‘how best to retain the integrity of the sculpture without causing any damage or disfigurement.’ The giant work stands with arms outstretched, symbolizing Mandela's devotion to inclusiveness, outside the Union Buildings, where the his body rests. Earlier this week, South Africa's Beeld newspaper quoted the artists as saying they added the rabbit as a ‘trademark’ after officials would not allow them to engrave their signatures on the statue's trousers. They also said the rabbit represented the pressure of finishing the sculpture on time because ‘haas’ - the word for rabbit in the Dutch-based Afrikaans language - also means ‘haste.’ The 30ft bronze statue was unveiled day after Mandela's funeral.
Paul Mashatile, arts and culture minister, said the sculptors have apologized for any offense to those who felt the rabbit was disrespectful toward the legacy of Mandela. The government had appointed Koketso Growth, a heritage development company, to manage the statue project. CEO Dali Tambo, son of anti-apartheid figure Oliver Tambo, said he was furious when he heard about the rabbit, and said it must go. ‘That statue isn't just a statue of a man, it's the statue of a struggle, and one of the most noble in human history,’ Tambo said. ‘So it's belittling, in my opinion, if you then take it in a jocular way and start adding rabbits in the ear.’
It would be, he said, like depicting U.S. President Barack Obama with a mouse in his nose.
The bronze memorial, which was unveiled outside the government complex in Pretoria, after Mandela's funeral on December 16, is billed as the largest statue of the South African leader in the world. Tambo said the artists, who belong to South Africa's white Afrikaner minority, were selected for their talent but also in part because the project was a multi-racial effort in keeping with Mandela's principle of reconciliation. He said their signatures could be added on the statue in a discreet place, perhaps on Mandela's heel.

Veterans' fury over giant statue of RABBIT erected next to town's war memorial
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A Massachusetts town is facing a major backlash from local veterans after installing a statue of a giant rabbit in the same park as a war memorial. The controversial bunny has inspired a protest from furious war heroes, who refused to stage their usual Flag Day parade in a nearby square. And while the huge rabbit has been renamed 'Peace' in an effort to inspire a more conciliatory spirit, the conflict is pitting neighbors against each other and threatens to tear the town of Dedham apart.
The fiberglass bunny, originally dubbed Leroy, first went on display on Sunday - and it was made by one local veteran in honor of another, according to WHDH. The sculpture is made from Dedham pottery, commemorating the ceramic industry which put the town on the map in the early 20th century. But it is the location of the artwork that has caused a stir, as it is standing just yards away from a memorial to the town's veterans.
Frank Currin, a Vietnam vet, told WHDH that he thought the placement was completely inappropriate, asking: 'Why isn't it down where the playgrounds are? They have it sitting right next to the monument.' He and his fellow veterans did not participate in Thursday's Flag Day celebrations owing to their anger over the sculpture. Solemn: But some say the memorial's message is undermined by its new neighbor. Complaint: Veteran Frank Currin has spoken of his outrage over the sculpture. Jennifer Barsamian, founder of the group behind the public artworks scheme, described the row as 'discouraging'. She added: 'The committee that put together this monument approved the placement of this rabbit, so we were completely surprised and caught off guard when this happened.' But some Dedham residents have come to Leroy/Peace's defense, arguing that the rabbit is not offensive.
Navy veteran Paul Grimes said: 'Why can't the town of Dedham put the bunnies that show the spirit of Dedham where they want to go?'. The sculpture, one of 15 rabbits due to be erected throughout the town, is set to be on display for six months before being sold off to benefit other public art projects.
A public meeting will take place on Monday to determine its future.

20-Foot-Tall Rabbit
- See more at:
Gainesville, Georgia
The northeastern corner of Gainesville, Georgia used to be a hamlet named Rabbittown. It got the name because its farms raised the rabbits that the people in Gainesville ate for dinner. When Gainesville eventually absorbed it, Rabbittown gradually disappeared from Georgia's maps and became a dim memory.
Then Gainesville began promoting itself as "Poultry Capital of the World," and even erected a big pillar with a life-size chicken on top. It made sense for Gainesville; poultry is a Meat World winner. There are no Rabbit McNuggets, and you don't order a "Bucket of rabbit to go!" for a family feast.
But the elevation of the chicken rubbed some folks in the former Rabbittown the wrong way, and in 1993 they erected their own big pillar, topped with a much-larger-than-life-size rabbit. "Rabbittown, GA," reads a plaque on its base, from a hamlet that was no longer hiding its past. The rabbit has the soft lines and awkward alert pose of a chocolate Easter bunny, and makes a far more satisfying monument than the Gainesville chicken.
20-Foot-Tall Rabbit
2415 Old Cornelia Hwy., Gainesville, GA
I-985 exit 24. Drive east on Jesse Jewell Pkwy for less than a mile. The statue will be on the left, just past the gas station, in the parking lot of the shopping center.

Popular rabbit statue to stay despite construction, company says
"Don't worry," reads the large sign in Harvey's massive hand, "I'm staying."
Standing 20-feet-tall — 26 feet if you include the ears — the company's iconic rabbit statue has stood outside Harvey Marine, 21250 S.W. Tualatin Valley Highway, for decades.
The eye-catching statue has made Harvey's Marine Aloha's most visible local landmark since the 1970s, but the company is undergoing several changes this month as crews demolish one of its company's buildings and constructs a new drive-through coffee kiosk.
But while company officials say they will be taking down some of structures, it's most prominent figure won't be going anywhere

Easter Bunny statue devouring a person
This is in Pilsen, Czech Republic
The creator of this three-tone concrete statue of a rabbit devouring a man is a student of Faculty of Design and Art at The University of West Bohemia, Adam Trbušek.
The art, named Panoptikum, is his bachelor work. The statue, which was formed in 10 months, was created for the Office of 1st municipal district. Trbušek explained: "The goal of my work was to create a monument, a memorial of current period. It's showing us the state of our society in a way I'm perceiving it. The satirical work illustrates a man imprisoned by the system's mechanism, totally helpless, ill, and devoted to his desires and whims." The rabbit statue is paraphrasing Goya's painting Saturn Devouring His Son.G oya created the painting in the period of Napoleon seizing Spain. "We can figuratively feel the destroying grip today. However, the person of a dictator has transformed into a societal phenomenon, where you can hardly pinpoint and accuse particular persons. We've all created it, everyone with their part contributes feeding this monstrum and what's worse we are feeding it with nothing more than ourselves. Moreover, we take care of it and don't take notice it's slowly gnawing the flesh of our limbs away," described Trbušek.
This is from r/evilbuildings which is part of the staTuesday collection
The Alice in Wonderland Statue is a minor family-friendly attraction that is well worth finding in Central Park. Its located just north of the Conservatory Water at the east side of the park around 74th street.
Children are allowed to climb and play on the sculpture, which is sort of neat considering the playful subject matter of this 11 foot bronze structure. During warmer months, the sculpture arrangement is nice to see as it is framed with green foliage from surrounding trees.
Note that the sculpture seems to have a continuous stream of children pouring onto it during much of the day. As such, it can be tricky trying to take unobstructed pictures. However, if you visit early in the day, you can enjoy Alice and company much to yourself and take some nice pictures.
Great spots for pictures of yourself or children can be taken between the large mushroom, which Alice sits upon, and Mad Hatter. Many climb up the mushroom to sit next to Alice for photos as well.
This is one of the more memorable attractions at Central Park, something you'll long remember after your visit to NYC, especially if you have children with you.
Down the rabbit hole in Llandudno
Enjoy a wonderful tour of the Victorian seaside town of Llandudno, taking in the sites inspired by the Lewis Carroll classic Alice in Wonderland. Explore the history of the town, find out about Alice Liddell (the real Alice in Wonderland) and enjoy an Alice-themed afternoon tea. There are plenty of opportunities for silly nonsense, some curious sights and some great places to daydream.
Alice Liddell, the real Alice in Wonderland
View of the promenade on Llandudno's North Shore
North shore, Llandudno by Seán Murray

Llandudno’s wonderland links stretch back to 1861 when the eight year old Alice Pleasance Liddell (the real Alice in Wonderland) first holidayed in the ‘Queen of the Welsh resorts’, Llandudno. Her holiday home ‘Penmorfa’ was built on Llandudno’s West Shore, where the family holidayed for many years.
The Alice trail…
White Rabbit sculpture in Llandudno
The White Rabbit, Llandudno by peterdouglas1

From the Hearts Quarter of the town, you’ll pass the town hall and enter into Madoc Street. Near here, the famous White rabbit marble commemorative statue was created to commemorate Lewis Carroll’s centenary.
Towards the promenade you will pass the magnificent Mostyn Gallery, which is well worth of a visit. Just past the Gallery you’ll encounter a White Rabbit Wooden Sculpture complete with waistcoat and a pocket watch. Remember to bring your bucket and spade to the Spades Quarter adjacent to the wonderful promenade on Llandudno’s North Shore, a beautiful spot with views of the Great Orme.
Perfect promenades
Alice in Wonderland sculptures in Happy Valley
Happy Valley, Llandudno by Darling Starlings

Along the trail, you’ll encounter the longest Pier in Wales, where you can admire the majestic line of hotels that have not changed since Victorian times. Look out for the St George’s Hotel. It is thought that Lewis Carroll wrote part of 'Alice in Wonderland' here. You can also see St Tudno Hotel, where Alice first stayed back in 1861.

Happy Valley is ideal to stop and daydream. It’s a surreal park with wonderful views and lots of Alice in Wonderland sculptures. You can even play a game of croquet! For a bird’s eye view, take the longest cable car in Britain. It will take you past the Alpine Ski and Toboggan Center before reaching the summit of the Great Orme.
Eat Me! Drink Me!
Exterior of a Llandudno fish and chip shop
Fish and Chip shop, Llandudno by Tony Worrall Foto

If you’re peckish the Clubs Quarter of the town, recognized for its many cafes, restaurants and bars, is worth a visit. Since we’re near the sea, you must try the award winning Fish Tram Chips and a local brew.
Follow the trail to the wonderful Haulfre Gardens where you will meet the troublesome Tweedles. Pause and listen to the sounds and take in the wonderful smells of these gardens, before heading along the old Custs path, part of the Great Orme Country Park.
Grin like a Cheshire cat
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee sculptures in Llandudno
Alice in Wonderland characters, Llandudno by jazzbeardie
At the Diamond Quarter you can enjoy fantastic views of the Snowdonia range of mountains as well as the view Alice would have enjoyed from her bedroom window. You will most certainly have a grin on your face when you meet a larger than life Cheshire Cat sitting outside the Lilly Restaurant. In here, you can enjoy a pint of Mad Hatter's brew.
The White Rabbit trail really is worth a stroll and a ponder. It makes you wonder: if Alice hadn’t holidayed in the Queen of Welsh resorts, and if her adventures weren't shared with Lewis Carroll, would the books have been written at all? Curiouser and curiouser!
Brer Rabbit Statue on the Putnam County Courthouse Grounds
Eatonton, Georgia
Br'er Rabbit appeared in numerous "Uncle Remus" stories penned by author Joel Chandler Harris in the 1870s.

A folktale is a story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth. What is a story without a campfire in the background. In many tales Rabbit is a trickster character in folktales of African, African-American, and Native American Culture. Rabbit is the consummate trickster, who typically matches wits with a character, whom he always bests.
Brer Rabbit Fools Sis Cow
A Georgia Folktale
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
Now Brer Rabbit was skipping down the road one day heading for his home in the briar patch when he spotted Sis Cow grazing in the field. It was a mighty hot day and Brer Rabbit was thirsty. Some milk would be real fine on such a warm afternoon, but Sis Cow always refused to let Brer Rabbit milk her when he asked. So Brer Rabbit thought up a plan.
"Howdy Sis Cow," said Brer Rabbit, walking up to her in the field.
"Howdy yourself, Brer Rabbit," said Sis Cow. "How are your folks?"
"Fair to middling," said Brer Rabbit. "How is Brer Bull?"
"So-so," replied Sis Cow.
"I'm wondering if you could help me out," Brer Rabbit said to Sis Cow. "I'd like to get some persimmons down out of that tree, but it's too high for me to climb." He pointed over to a nearby persimmon tree.
"I ain't no good at climbing myself," said Sis Cow dubiously.
"I don't need for you to climb," said Brer Rabbit. "Just butt your head against the tree a few times, and the persimmons will all fall down."
Sis Cow considered this a moment, and then she agreed. Sis Cow backed up a bit and ran at the tree with her horns down. BANG! She butted the tree as hard as she could. But the persimmons were still green and none of them fell down. So Sis Cow backed up again and ran at the tree with her horns down. SMACK! She butted the tree as hard as she could. And her large horns got stuck in the tree. She pulled and tugged, but her horns were held fast.
"Help me out, Brer Rabbit," Sis Cow pleaded.
"I can't climb up that high," said Brer Rabbit. "But I'll run and fetch Brer Bull."
So saying, the rascally Brer Rabbit ran home to fetch his Missus and all of the kids. They brought a mighty big pail to the field and they milked the trapped Sis Cow until not a drop of milk was left. Sis Cow was pretty sore at Brer Rabbit. She kept pulling and tugging, but she couldn't get free.
"I'll come back tomorrow for more milk," Brer Rabbit said. "Seeing as you're probably stuck 'til daybreak."
Brer Rabbit and his family left the field with their big pail of milk, leaving Sis Cow trapped in the tree. Well, Sis Cow, she tugged and tugged, trying to free her horns from the tree. It took her near 'til morning, but finally she broke loose. Once she was free, she had a quick graze of the green grass to calm herself down. As she ate, she made a plan to revenge herself on Brer Rabbit for his nasty trick
As soon as it was daybreak, Sis Cow put her head down and stuck her horns back into the holes she had made in the tree, pretending she was still stuck. Now Brer Rabbit had come early to the field and had seen Sis Cow grazing as free as you please, so he knew she was up to something when she put her horns back in the tree. He decided to play along with her game for a while to see what she was up to.
Quick as a wink, Brer Rabbit went back down the road and came clippity-lippity, hippity-hoppity down the road, singing as loud as you please. "How are you feeling this morning, Sis Cow?" asked Brer Rabbit when he reached the field.
"Poorly, Brer Rabbit," said Sis Cow slyly. "I've been stuck here all night. But if you grab my tail, you can help pull me out."
Oh ho, thought Brer Rabbit to himself. She means to trample me. Aloud he said: "I'm a puny ol' man Sis Cow. If I pull your tail, I might get crushed. So this is as close to you as I'm going to get!"
Well, Sis Cow was furious that her plan hadn't work. She pulled her horns out of the tree lickety-split and started chasing that rascally Brer Rabbit down the road.
Brer Rabbit ran as fast as lightning. He reached the Briar Patch well ahead of Sis Cow and threw himself into the brambles. He watched Sis Cow sail passed his hiding spot. Then she stopped because her quarry had disappeared. She looked around, trying to locate him.
Brer Rabbit chuckled to himself. He folded back his long ears, made his eyes extra wide, and then peered out of a shady corner of the Briar Patch, pretending to be Brer Big Eyes. "What are you doing Sis Cow?" he asked in a high-pitched voice quite unlike his own.
"I'm looking for Brer Rabbit, Brer Big Eyes," said Sis Cow, who did not recognize the trickster rabbit in the dim light of dawn.
"He jest ran passed lickety-split," Brer Rabbit lied.
That was all Sis Cow needed to hear. She gave a bellow of rage, lowered her horns, and ran on down the road.
Brer Rabbit, he just laughed and laughed, rolling about among the briars. He had fooled Brer Fox and Brer Buzzard in the past, and now he had fooled Sis Cow. He was a real rascal, no mistake!
Humming happily to himself, Brer Rabbit went home to have a big drink of milk, courtesy of Sis Cow.
Plant of the Week: Shepards Purse
Word of the Week: Ancestry
Dexter, brother of bunny killed in United Airlines freezer blunder, now tipped to become world’s biggest rabbit
Hungry rabbit scoffs 2,000 carrots a year and is already 3ft
By Dean Wilkins
20th May 2017, 10:00 pm
Updated: 21st May 2017, 6:05 am

GIANT bunny Dexter has high hops of being the world’s biggest after the death of his brother.
The youngster is already 3ft and could take the crown from his 4ft 4in father Darius. His brother Simon was tipped for the top until dying in a freezer on a flight to the US. At just ten months old Dexter is already 50 per cent bigger than bunnies his same age and breed. He already weighs around one and a half stone, three times more than an average new born human baby. Dexter will be fully grown in two years. Owner Brad Paynter, 28, of Basildon, Essex, said: “Dexter is a gentle giant – he likes to play with our dogs, he likes to run around with children and go up to people". Lap it up . . . Brad says Dexter ‘was the size of a small puppy’ when they got him. “When we first got Dexter he was nine or ten weeks old and he was the size of a small puppy – a lot smaller than what he is now. “We had a choice of a few rabbits, but Dexter really stood out to us and he’s really shot up in the last few months.” Dexter scoffs 2,000 carrots a year and his owner splashes £100 a month on Dexter’s food alone. Brad said: “The biggest problem with Dexter is that he is quite demanding – he wants fresh food and bedding every day. “He eats five carrots a day, two apples, about half a pack of spring greens, cabbage, celery, cucumber, broccoli and a ton of hay.” Furry friends . . . Dexter enjoys hanging out with owner’s French bulldog. Simon’s breeder, former Playboy model Annette Edwards, 65, received an undisclosed five-figure cash payout from United Airlines over his death. They have since banned big bunnies from flying.

Author Bill Day’s New Book “The Little Lost Rabbit” is a Gentle Children’s Story About Six Little Bunnies Who Venture Far Outside Their Home and Get Lost in the Woods

Recent release "The Little Lost Rabbit” from Page Publishing author Bill Day is a richly illustrated and simple story about parental love for young children in which six young bunnies leave the safety of their home and take a walk in the woods. After venturing deeper and deeper into the forest and realizing that they are lost, the youngsters enlist the help of a variety of friendly animals until their father arrives to bring them home.

Goosebumps 2 title revealed, plus promo art for Jumanji, Grinch, and more
Originally created by Beatrix Potter, the upcoming live-action and CG hybrid film adaptation of Peter Rabbit is described as a modern interpretation of the source material, built around the rivalry between the mischievous Peter and Mr. McGregor, The film stars James Corden, Rose Byrne, Daisy Ridley, Elizabeth Debicki, Domhnall Gleeeson, and Margot Robbie.
'There's Self-Doubt, Darkness, But There's Hope': Scottish Band Frightened Rabbit Pens Turbulent Tunes
There's an indie band that sings of dysfunctional relationships and loss — some of the common themes in rock lyrics — and then it ventures into deeper territory: panic attacks and addiction.
The subjects the songs deal with hint at the band's name: "Frightened Rabbit." The Scottish group will perform at Boston Calling next weekend, playing songs from its latest album, "Painting of a Panic Attack."
WBUR’s Rita Cary spoke with lead singer Scott Hutchison from Glasgow. She describes Hutchison as a "really shy, introspective soul." Hutchison explained that his mom called him a "frightened rabbit" when he was little because she said that was the look he got on his face when she wanted to take him to the park to play with other kids.
“I find it kind of amusing that something that I would call the band I had great aspirations for, and I was hoping to play to lots of people, I would call that after essentially my own social disorder," Hutchison said.
The singer-songwriter reflected that he's a lot more confident now than when he was a kid, though some of that anxiety and self-doubt still exist and creep into the band's songs.
"But I always make sure that there is a light at the end. It's a very Scottish way of looking at things," he said. "It's like everything is ruined, but there's hope."

Royal Mint restocks limited edition Peter Rabbit 50p coins
It is the first coin from the second Beatrix Potter collection.
ByNisha Mal

The Royal Mint has restocked its limited edition Peter Rabbit collectible 50p coin. The coin was so popular when it was first released in April, that the website crashed due to popular demand. And according to , some shoppers were queuing for up to four hours to get their hands on the coin. If you were one of the unfortunate few, that didn't manage to get one the first time round, then now is your chance. The 50p piece - which costs £10 - has now been restocked on the official Royal Mint website .
It comes presented in a fold-out case which includes quotes from Beatrix Potter's original tales. As it is special edition, stock is limited. Back in April 30,000 of the coins were released but they sold out within a day. The first Peter Rabbit collection was released in 2016 to celebrate Beatrix Potter's 150th anniversary. The batch showed illustrations of four characters - Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddle Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and Squirrel Nutkin.
Characters in the 2017 collection include the new Peter Rabbit coin as well as Jeremy Fisher, Benjamin Bunny and Tom Kitten - however the other three coins are yet to be released. Anne Jessopp, of The Royal Mint, said: “While we always knew that the Beatrix Potter characters would be a huge hit, the enormous popularity of the 2016 set exceeded everyone’s expectations. “The coins sold out almost instantly as people raced to collect a complete set of the four friends.
"We’re delighted to be able to present another group of her exquisite characters, giving them a new lease of life on our specially-designed colored commemorative coins.”
The Tale Of Peter Rabbit was an instant success after being picked up in 1902 by British children's publisher Frederick Warne & Co. More than 45 million copies of the book have since been sold worldwide.

Three dead rabbits discovered at Cessnock greyhound training area
Three dead rabbits have been seized as part of an animal welfare raid at a Cessnock greyhound training area. The discovery comes after the live baiting scandal that came to light in 2015. Greyhound Racing NSW officials were conducting a targeted operation at the greyhound training facility on Wednesday when they discovered the dead rabbits near the training area. The RSPCA seized the dead rabbits and took them to an independent veterinary pathologist for postmortem examination.
GRNSW and the RSPCA have commenced a joint investigation to determine if any criminal offenses had been committed under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act or any offenses have been committed under the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules.
RSPCA NSW chief inspector David O’Shannessy said the RSPCA awaits the results of the postmortem investigation and cannot speculate at this stage what action might be taken. If offenses under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act can be established, the maximum penalties are $22,000 fine and up to two years imprisonment for an individual. The property owner has been given an interim suspension on his registration as a greyhound participant.
GRNSW General Manager Regulatory Stephen Dodd said the investigation was a result of extensive intelligence work. “GRNSW is determined to rid the sport of rogue elements that refuse to abide by the rules of racing and are unwilling to adopt the highest of animal welfare and integrity standards,” Mr Dodd said. GRNSW encourages anyone to report any allegations of wrongdoing within the NSW greyhound racing industry to the NSW Greyhound Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or submitting it in writing via [email protected].
First bunny Marlon Bundo makes first White House appearance
A bunny upstaged Vice President Pence Tuesday. Not just any rabbit, though. But BOTUS – Bunny of the United States.
That would be Marlon Bundo, the Pence family pet with his own Instagram account who made his first White House appearance at an event honoring members of the military and their families for Military Appreciation Month.
“Thanks for coming,” Pence said as he shook hands with a little girl. “Did you see my bunny rabbit yet?”
The children, wearing party dresses and bow ties, colored pictures of rabbits and American flags while perched around the long table in the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office until BOTUS came to the lectern held tightly by Karen Pence as she stroked his ears.
She told the group that BOTUS is “kind of famous” because he’s the first bunny to ride on Air Force 2. “Oh my God!” exclaimed one of the kids surrounding the Pences.
Karen Pence explained that her daughter, Charlotte, got the black-and-white rabbit for a film she made in college. (Marlon Bundo is a play on actor Marlon Brando.) “This notoriety is nothing new for him,” she said.
BOTUS is very tame, runs around their house and jumps in his cage when he needs to, she said. “Marlon came today really just to say `hi’ to you and to say thank you to all the children,” Karen Pence said.
As the vice president started to applaud, Karen stopped him, motioning that the noise would cause BOTUS to jump out of her arms. “Don’t clap!” she admonished.
Once BOTUS departed with the second lady, the kids had less interest in who was speaking. As Pence started his remarks, one young man pounded his fist on the lectern, saying “`Scuze me!”
Another tried to rip the vice presidential seal off the lectern. “I love these kids,” Pence said. The vice president continued gamely through his remarks despite a scuffle that broke out between two of the boys at his side.
Pence said he wanted to give a rousing round of applause to the military spouses and to “all of these wonderful and,” he paused “energetic children who are with us today.”
“I hope you see this crowded room as just one more down payment on the debt of honor and the debt of gratitude that we owe to the families of our armed services,” he said.
After ending his remarks, Pence told the crowd “more ice cream is available” before hugging some of the children and posing for photos.