Being a mom can be hard. Being a mom with a chronic illness can be overwhelming. Today I'm talking about the 10 things that suck about being a mom with a chronic illness. After that, I'll discuss some ways to make it better.

10 Things that Suck About Being a Mom with a Chronic Illness:

I can’t run around and play with my kids. Sure, I can take them to the park, but then I have to rest on the bench while they run around. My kids see all the other moms running around, and ask me at every doctor visit, “will this doctor be able to make you run again?” And barring a miracle, they never will. That’s not an easy pill to swallow. Talk about swallowing pills, I have so many! Medicines for this, medicines for that, and medicines to stop the problems caused by the other medicines! I’m tired. No, really. I’m TIRED. I’m so tired all the time. No matter how much sleep I get or how much I lie down, my body never feels rested.

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Looking over that can get depressing, sure. But did you know that millions of moms suffer from some type of chronic illness? Did you know that until now, there hasn’t been a support system just for us?

I’m living this crazy, chronic life too, and I’m creating a new support system because I understand it. I want to help you find the support you need and want. That's why I've started this podcast. 

If you’re a mom with chronic illness who can relate, there’s finally some support out there for you!

Jen's advice for moms who are living with chronic illness, chronic pain, depression, and anxiety: Allow yourself to "embrace the suck." Then let it go & find something positive to focus on. No matter what you're going through, you CAN find something positive to focus on.

Thank you for joining me today! 

Want more? Go to and you'll find ways to live well, grow, and enjoy your life again -with any health challenges.

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Have a blessed week,
