Love yourself and be brave.

(How do we do those things? Listen to this episode & find out!)

These are two simple yet powerful statements that can have a profound impact on our lives. We are all worthy of love and deserve to be loved, but sometimes it can be difficult to feel this way. We may have been hurt in the past, or we may have been told that we are not worthy of love. It can be hard to break free from these feelings and recognize our own worth. And when we have the opportunity, we need to let others know how worthy they are.

However, it is important to remember that our worth exists within us. We are all born with inherent worth, just like a newborn. No matter what we may have been told in the past or what we may have experienced, our worth is still there. It is our job to recognize it and to nurture it.

One way to do this is to be brave. It takes courage to love yourself, to break free from the lies and pain of the past, and to recognize your worth. It can be scary to challenge the status quo, to stand up for what you believe in, and to live authentically. But it is worth it.

When we are brave enough to love ourselves, our social and emotional energy shifts. We become more confident, more resilient, and more connected to ourselves and to others. We become more open to new experiences and more willing to take risks. We become more accepting of our flaws and more appreciative of our strengths

00:00:00 Love yourself and others. 

00:13:56 Sacrifice leads to hope.

00:20:59 Believe in yourself and flourish.

00:29:45 You are worthy of love.

00:30:14 Validate others' emotions.


Thank you for joining me today! I'm having a blast creating Fabulous Over 50 & it would be an honor to have you share it with some friends who would enjoy it. Thanks!

Have a blessed week,
