018 -  How to Get Things Done, When You Can't Get Off The Couch

It’s summer, and kids everywhere are saying things like: Are we there yet?  I'm bored, what can I do? I don't want to help clean up, why are you making me?  The same things happen all the time, especially on school breaks & weekends. You can't stop those questions from coming, but you can be prepared with answers!  And that's what today's episode is all about.

Do you need some suggestions for:

What to do? How to keep everyone busy? How to keep the house clean? How to get everyone to help?

Here are some things to do to keep everyone busy (and have some fun doing it):

The book, The Sick Mom’s Guide to having Fun Again: If I can do it, you can too! (by yours truly) talks about over 200 things for you to do.  100 of them are with your kids, and 50 of those when you can’t get off the couch or out of bed.

Our favorite source for kids entertainment, from toddler to teens is the library!  Even when we lived out in the country, the local library had something for everyone.  Our 8 year old codes there!  Every other week during the school year, and every week during summer there’s a coding class.

The local rec center is another great place to find activities for kids.  Keeping them moving is so important, both for health and for their mental state.  The need to move (even when they don’t feel like it!

As for you, please take time for yourself!  That might mean locking the bathroom door and taking a bath, or leaving the kids with a friend and getting out for a few hours.  Sometimes my favorite alone time is having the kids go somewhere & I get to enjoy alone time in my own house!  

Now, for the nitty gritty.  Keeping the house clean with the kids home can be tough, but keeping it clean while they’re home AND we feel like junk can be nearly impossible.  

I’ve come up with some great ways to get it all done AND get the kids to help:

Pick up your age The one-hour roundup Learning to accept good-enough

Want to know more details?  Listen to the episode & find out, or go to thesickmomsguide.com and get your answers.

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Our music is "A New Day," by Scott Holmes
This episode is sponsored by the book, "The Sick Mom's Guide to Having Fun Again: If I can do it, you can too!" available on Amazon