Now that I'm a Nutritional Therapy Consultant, I get a lot of questions from curious folks who want to know what it is and why I chose this path. Looking back, this was a crucial step in my brand transition and more importantly, the framework around which I help people understand nutrition in their own lives. 

In this episode, I'm explaining what nutritional therapy is, why I became a Nutritional Therapy Consultant, why I chose this program, and more. If you're curious about what a nutritional therapist does, you want to better understand how to approach nutrition holistically, or you're thinking about furthering your own career or education in this field, this show is for you!

Special note: If you sign up for the NTP or NTC program, consider adding my name as a referrer if you found out about it through my show. I may receive a small commission that helps support podcast production. Thank you!  

Remember to find the show notes and other episodes on

On today's episode:

What are the foundations of nutritional therapy? What's the difference between NTP and NTC? What's the NTC program like? How much work did it take each week? Why I chose this program / organization over others

Resources from this episode:

Pre-order The Core 4 & get all the bonuses Nutritional Therapy Association Goodbye, Hello – Harder to Kill Radio Ep 150 Harder to Kill Club

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