How many times have you told yourself you’re too old or it’s too late to get started on something? The idea of starting a new athletic pursuit after 40 seems impossible to many people, but there are so many people out there proving every day that it can be reality.

Key Takeaways

If You Are Ready to Explore Your Athletic Potential, You Should:

Redefine what athlete means to you Stop waiting to become perfect or elite Get out of your comfort zone  Focus on activities that light you up inside

Live Agelessly With Robin Legat

One of those people is Robin Legat, a badass obstacle racer who helps women over 40 explore their athletic potential, gain confidence, and overcome life's obstacles. Robin is passionate about helping women live agelessly by sharing her wisdom and preparing women to run their best obstacle race. She believes that exploring your athletic potential at every age can help everyone expand their lives.

What Is an Athlete?

To Robin, being an athlete means having a body that is moved with intention and is tested from time to time. That's it! You do not need to be perfect or elite to get started. Once you can find an activity that you enjoy, the fire you get from that feeling will continue to motivate you. 

Being able to accomplish something that you never thought you would be able to do can give you joy that affects more than just your fitness but really impacts your whole life. You just have to be willing to show up at the start line.

You Don’t Need to Be Perfect, You Just Need to Show Up

When you gain the confidence to put yourself out there and participate in an experience, you can still feel your ‘superhero’ moment even if you don't do it perfectly. While your preferences of which activities you engage with may shift throughout the different seasons in your life, the positive benefits you can get from pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can be life-changing. 

By redefining the rewards and benefits that come from taking on challenges, you can gain the confidence to overcome life's obstacles and explore your athletic potential at any age.

Are you ready to run your first obstacle course race after listening to this episode? Share what you loved most about Robin’s approach to fitness over 40 with me in the comments section of the episode page.

In This Episode How Robin went from a ‘non-athlete’ to a roller derby star and obstacle course racer (11:44) Tips for redefining what an ‘athlete’ is in order to see yourself in a more expansive way (20:15) Why it is okay to recognize which training lights you up inside and which training is not for you right now (25:47) The top 3 things you need to know about obstacle course racing (30:24) The importance of strength training when obstacle racing (34:55)


“One of the things I am trying to break down in my little corner is the rewards and the benefits that come from taking on challenges such as obstacle races, that’s just one example, but the rewards and challenges that come from stepping beyond your comfort zone, taking on new challenges, and discovering your ability to do things you never thought you could.” (11:19)

“Obstacle racing is a lot of being a grown-up kid. You are doing monkey bars, and rope climbs and crawling in mud, kid stuff. And we forget that. We lose track of that and forget how fun that side of ourselves can be, and you can access that at any age if you want to.” (19:36)

“That's why I love helping women, particularly women over 40, find that thing that lights them up. Because that can be life-changing in regards to your relationship with exercise and training and how you view yourself as an athlete.” (25:44)

“All that other stuff does not matter. You need to have the ability to show up to that start line, just like I needed to have that ability to show up to my first roller derby practice. So know that you can get from the start line to finish line.” (30:26)

“When you see you just did something, that you have never done, that you didn’t think you could ever do, that's an amazing feeling that permeates into all areas of your life. And that’s why I want to reach women over 40.” (41:30)

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Seasoned Athlete Podcast

Seasoned Athlete Live: Start Line Strong

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