Think back to when you were a kid and exercise was something that you enjoyed, that didn't feel restrictive or limiting. This is the nostalgia that Darryl Edwards hopes to evoke through his Primal Play methodology. Focusing on finding physical activities that people actually enjoy doing, his Primal Play methodology is for those of you who hate exercise, are looking to surprise yourself, or just want to try something new.

Darryl finds his joy in helping people find activities they enjoy that don't feel like exercise. He focuses on how you feel immediately, not the long-term results. The heavy and negative connotations some associate with exercise are non-existent in Primal Play, where play is used as the application of functional movement, but in unexpected and unpredictable ways. 

Through his methodology, Darryl helps people remember that playing gives you the ability to learn much more about yourself, all while getting faster, stronger and healthier. Rethink how to get back to basics with Darryl Edwards on today’s episode.

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About Darryl Edwards

Darryl Edwards, the creator of the Primal Play Method, is a movement coach, Natural Lifestyle Educator, and nutritionist. The Primal Play methodology was created to inspire others to make activity fun while getting stronger and healthier. His technique is focused around a practical view of fitness, helping people get fit for real life, not just to look good.

Darryl has written multiple books, has been published in multiple media outlets, and has dedicated himself to helping people make physical activity fun again. Darryl travels around the world spreading the word about Primal Play and helps people remember a time when exercise wasn’t a chore.


On Today’s Episode

How running away from a gang of thugs turned into one of Darryl’s most valuable lessons Why humans are the ideal physical generalists How to avoid becoming a fitness cyborg The importance of both serious and fun play How to learn to enjoy movement and exercise again



“That nostalgia and enjoyment around movement is what I wanted to regain as an adult and I wanted to make sure that it was sufficient enough for it to tick all my boxes as an adult.” (15:53) 

“The best forms of play, in my opinion, are when you take it really seriously and when you are very mindful, because you are less likely to set yourself artificial limits and ceilings.” (20:50)

“Many of us just need to move more. Many of us need to explore what our bodies can do. And many of us need to be confident and happy with what we can and can’t do.” (43:10)


Resources Mentioned In This Show

Darryl’s New Book Animal Moves

Primal Play

Follow Darryl on Twitter @FitnessExplorer


Check out the full show notes here!

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