Do you struggle with the concept of giving yourself permission to do or not do the things you really want? Like taking a rest day, sleeping in, eating enough to nourish your body, or setting boundaries and saying no? You are not alone in this struggle. However, when you can give yourself the radical permission you deserve, you can take care of yourself and those you love in a transformative new way.

Key Takeaways

If You Want To Allow Yourself Radical Permission, You Should:

Stop the search for external validation and start listening to your own inner expert Never abandon yourself by consciously choosing to live more expansively Create compassion and self-compassion so that you can connect to the rest of humanity Give yourself permission to set boundaries and say no to others, society, and yourself

Compassion Warrior Hayden Dawes

Hayden Dawes is a social worker, therapist, researcher, speaker, and self-proclaimed ‘Compassion Warrior’ passionate about helping people give themselves permission, do what they want to do, and reclaim their power. Hayden has harnessed his past to examine our social systems and find a way to help people connect to the larger community of humanity.

Writing Your Own Permission Slip

Many of us are used to seeking permission from an external source, such as a teacher, coach, parent, partner, or boss. Have you ever considered that you have the power to write your own permission slip? A permission slip is an opportunity to come back to yourself and ensure that you are not abandoning yourself whatever you decide to do or not do. 

By raising your permission consciousness over time, you can lean into self-compassion and choose to live more expansive and open lives.

Creating Self-Compassion Through Radical Permission

Being compassionate and giving yourself permission can feel scary and vulnerable. While being your authentic self can feel like a risk, it is the only way that you will become connected to the larger community of humanity. 

Some people believe that giving themselves compassion will end their accountability or dedication. This is not the case! Hayden wants you to know that there is space for both, and by practicing coming back to the expert within yourself, you can sustain yourself through self-compassion and radical permission.

Are you ready to start listening to your body and giving yourself the permission you have been longing for? Share what you loved most about Hayden’s vision with me in the comments on the episode page.

  In This Episode Learn about ‘Petty Tuesday’ and how it relates to work being done in the world (6:30) Why people who have marginalized identities have a hard time giving themselves permission (15:27) Ways that you can begin the process of giving yourself more radical permission (23:30) How to give yourself compassion without giving up on your discipline (28:30) Discover how self-compassion and radical permission are woven together as a practice (33:35) Tips for allowing yourself permission to set boundaries and say no sometimes (38:41)


“I really use it as an invitation for everyone to air our their grievance in a way that can be really healthy. Because in a lot of ways, if we don’t, it will work its way out in other ways that really aren’t as healthy.” (8:08)

“I try to use my work first and foremost to help myself so that I can help others help themselves. It’s a reciprocal, bidirectional relationship.” (14:12)

“A permission slip is an opportunity to come back to yourself and not abandon yourself. Because whether that coach, that teacher, that doctor, your partner is for you on the other side of the thing you decided to do or not do, I would hope that you haven’t abandoned yourself.” (20:23)

“There is enough space for accountability and self-compassion.” (29:20)

“When your parents gave you a permission slip to go on a field trip, most people wanted to go, but I’m sure if you didn’t go, it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing ever. So let’s just take the pressure off of everything.”  (37:47)

Featured on the Show

Join the Group Strength Nutrition Program Waitlist Here

Hayden Dawes Website

Follow Hayden on Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn

Johari Window

Steph Gaudreau Website

Check out the full show notes here!

Follow Steph on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest

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Do you struggle with the concept of giving yourself permission to do or not do the things you really want? Like taking a rest day, sleeping in, eating enough to nourish your body, or setting boundaries and saying no? You are not alone in this struggle. However, when you can give yourself the radical permission you deserve, you can take care of yourself and those you love in a transformative new way.

Key Takeaways

If You Want To Allow Yourself Radical Permission, You Should:

Stop the search for external validation and start listening to your own inner expert Never abandon yourself by consciously choosing to live more expansively Create compassion and self-compassion so that you can connect to the rest of humanity Give yourself permission to set boundaries and say no to others, society, and yourself

Compassion Warrior Hayden Dawes

Hayden Dawes is a social worker, therapist, researcher, speaker, and self-proclaimed ‘Compassion Warrior’ passionate about helping people give themselves permission, do what they want to do, and reclaim their power. Hayden has harnessed his past to examine our social systems and find a way to help people connect to the larger community of humanity.

Writing Your Own Permission Slip

Many of us are used to seeking permission from an external source, such as a teacher, coach, parent, partner, or boss. Have you ever considered that you have the power to write your own permission slip? A permission slip is an opportunity to come back to yourself and ensure that you are not abandoning yourself whatever you decide to do or not do. 

By raising your permission consciousness over time, you can lean into self-compassion and choose to live more expansive and open lives.

Creating Self-Compassion Through Radical Permission

Being compassionate and giving yourself permission can feel scary and vulnerable. While being your authentic self can feel like a risk, it is the only way that you will become connected to the larger community of humanity. 

Some people believe that giving themselves compassion will end their accountability or dedication. This is not the case! Hayden wants you to know that there is space for both, and by practicing coming back to the expert within yourself, you can sustain yourself through self-compassion and radical permission.

Are you ready to start listening to your body and giving yourself the permission you have been longing for? Share what you loved most about Hayden’s vision with me in the comments on the episode page.

  In This Episode Learn about ‘Petty Tuesday’ and how it relates to work being done in the world (6:30) Why people who have marginalized identities have a hard time giving themselves permission (15:27) Ways that you can begin the process of giving yourself more radical permission (23:30) How to give yourself compassion without giving up on your discipline (28:30) Discover how self-compassion and radical permission are woven together as a practice (33:35) Tips for allowing yourself permission to set boundaries and say no sometimes (38:41)


“I really use it as an invitation for everyone to air our their grievance in a way that can be really healthy. Because in a lot of ways, if we don’t, it will work its way out in other ways that really aren’t as healthy.” (8:08)

“I try to use my work first and foremost to help myself so that I can help others help themselves. It’s a reciprocal, bidirectional relationship.” (14:12)

“A permission slip is an opportunity to come back to yourself and not abandon yourself. Because whether that coach, that teacher, that doctor, your partner is for you on the other side of the thing you decided to do or not do, I would hope that you haven’t abandoned yourself.” (20:23)

“There is enough space for accountability and self-compassion.” (29:20)

“When your parents gave you a permission slip to go on a field trip, most people wanted to go, but I’m sure if you didn’t go, it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing ever. So let’s just take the pressure off of everything.”  (37:47)

Featured on the Show

Join the Group Strength Nutrition Program Waitlist Here

Hayden Dawes Website

Follow Hayden on Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn

Johari Window

Steph Gaudreau Website

Check out the full show notes here! Follow Steph on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest

I'd really love it if you would take 1 min and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!

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LTYB 305: Using Body Language To Understand Yourself and Others Better with Tiff Lee

LTYB 298: How to Show Up More Authentically with Grace Edison

LTYB 290: Start Living Your Life By Design with Rai Henry

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