Dr. Jolene Brighten is on a mission to change women's medicine for the better and help women take back their hormones and power to demand more out of their health. She is helping women reclaim their power by informing themselves about what is truly going on in their bodies when it comes to your period, birth control and hormones.

About Dr. Jolene Brighten

Today Dr. Brighten is your guide on the journey to understanding your period and what is going on inside your body. She is explaining the effects of hormonal birth control, how often you should be pooping, side effects of hormonal birth control that you may not know about, and so much more. If you are ready to feel empowered to take steps to own your own body, Dr. Brighten is here to provide all of the tools you need.

In history, women have been excluded from science and medical research, and we have been kept in the dark too long about what is happening inside our bodies. Dr. Brighten is shattering this secretive landscape and providing targeted advice to what you are going through and what your specific needs are.

By better understanding your hormones you can tackle issues such as acne, digestion, weight gain and more. It is time to empower yourself with information so you can reclaim your higher power.

How has hormonal birth control affected you? What struggles have you had with your hormones? Let us know what about this episode resonated the most with you in the comments section on the episode page!

On Today's Episode Identifying the root cause of your specific hormone imbalance The connection between hormones, the gut and women's medicine Why we need to stop dismissing women and their symptoms Things that you need to know before stopping hormonal birth control What role hormonal birth control may be playing in how your body developed Quotes

“If I did my job right with Beyond the Pill, we're going to remove a lot of fear around women's medicine, and we're going to remove a lot of the fear around the unknown” (13:06)

“I don't heal my patients, I teach them to heal themselves” (18:41)

“Post birth control syndrome is a term that I came up with to describe the collection of symptoms and signs when you stop hormonal birth control” (28:50)

“I wanted to give you solutions beyond the pill. I wanted you to know that you can heal your body, that those signs and symptoms mean something, and that you can absolutely do something about it” (59:16)

Resources Mentioned In This Show 

Beyond The Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten

Dr. Jolene Brighten’s Website

HTK 125: Dr. Jolene Brighten

HTK 003: Dr. Jolene Brighten

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