The current state of the world right now is anxiety-inducing for the majority of us, but especially those of us who are empaths or highly sensitive. Now more than ever we need to stick together and use the tools available to us so that we can deal with what is going on while limiting our panic and anxiety.

Learn The Similarities & Differences Between Highly Sensitivity & Empathy

Today I want to share with you some of my top tools and strategies to take care of yourself as a highly sensitive or empathic person and help you cope with our current environment. If you are unsure if you are a highly sensitive person, want to learn the similarities and differences between high sensitivity and empathy, or are looking for ways to overcome your anxiety during this time, the information shared on this episode is what you have been searching for. 

Everything from getting enough sleep to limiting the amount of time you spend on your phone or social media can have a huge impact on both your physical and mental ability to handle stress. By understanding what makes you tick on the inside, you can advocate for yourself and your needs in a way that feels good for you. 

You can use your skills, talents, abilities, and creativity to help others, and in turn, will give you a greater sense of a bigger impact and ability to become energetically bigger. Are you ready to explore some of my suggestions so that you can find what supports you? Share your favorite tip or recommendation for highly sensitive people or empaths with us in the comments on the episode page.


In This Episode

Strategies to help you deal with what is going on in the world today (3:10) Why you should view your high sensitivity or empathy as a gift not a curse (9:04) Learn the difference between feeling empathy and being a highly sensitive person (10:34) How to take care of yourself if you are a highly sensitive or empathic person (14:56) Practices to clear your space and help you feel more grounded and grateful (25:20)



“I know empaths and highly sensitive people are just struggling to deal with what is happening in the world, and yes I am feeling this as well. But I wanted to share some of the strategies I have learned along the way.” (2:55)

“One of my goals in this world and one of the things I feel called to do… is helping other empaths and other highly sensitive people learn this about themselves. And not only that but learning how to thrive because these are truly gifts that we have.” (8:33)

“It becomes part of the background, the things that are piling up and we don’t notice them. But it does create space. It creates mental space, ti creates energetic space and it creates physical space for us to really just get around our environment.” (24:45)

“Sometimes as an empath and a highly sensitive person, it is easy to get overwhelmed by what is happening to you. What energy you are taking in, what you are absorbing, and sometimes that can feel very constrictive and closed off… it almost energetically causes you to shrink. So right now be mindful and respectful of yourself.” (29:33)



Take The Highly Sensitive Person Quiz Here

Facebook Live with Rachel Dash-Dougherty

HTK 206: Energy Tips for Empaths

HTK 156: Sensitive 

HTK 76: Karina Antonopoulos

HTK 188: What Is Nutritional Therapy?

LTYB 276: Dr. Sara DeFrancesco

LTYB 277: Self-Compassion in Uncertain Times

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Nutritional Therapy Association

Listen To Your Body Podcast is sponsored by the Nutritional Therapy Association. Registration is now open for the NTA’s April class. You can learn more and save your seat by clicking here (and don’t forget to mention my name on your application!)

You can also try out their free 7-day course, Nutritional Therapy 101 by clicking here.

Check out the full show notes here!

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