Happy Cagemas in...Well, let's call it July overtime, shall we? Sure, it's a cynical cash-grab to double up on Cagemas by doing Cagemas in July, but we never apologize for double-stuffing here on Hard Choices.

Let's be honest, we all want to talk about boning Nic Cage characters. That's just the human condition. Five of the former hosts of the Smash Fiction podcast gathered together to live the dream. Stands are taken for wizards, spiders, truckers, writers, chefs, you name it.

If you're expecting a lukewarm episode, think again. Bob is barely able to string a coherent thought together, such is their thirst in this one. We may only cover fifteen Cages but the horniness here is enough to rock an entire cinematic career. You think you won't have feelings when you listen to this. You think you'll remain aloof and above looking at Nicolas Cage with erotic longing. When your walls start to crumble, don't be afraid. Lean into the nouveau shamanic embrace of The Cage.