This week Morris and Sergio discuss Google's announcement of a successful collision attack on the SHA-1 cryptographic hash function. Show NotesCloudbleed and SHA-1 Collision with Max Burkhardt An excellent discussion of the topic on Software Engineering The branded marketing site for this research result. The actual paper is here.Cryptographic hash function An excellent Wikipedia article on the topic.FNV (Fowler Noll Vo) hash function (Wikipedia)Bloom Filters An excellent introduction by Jason Davies.SHA-1 Broken A very informative piece by Bruce Schneier from 2005 (12 years ago!). His take on the current announcement: “This is not a surprise.”Year 2038 Problem (Wikipedia)HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code) (Wikipedia)Linus Torvalds on how the SHA-1 collision announcement affects git. A more cynical take on the situation.

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