Beyond the physical senses of the body, each of us possesses a so-called sixth sense that allows us to perceive dimensions beyond time and space. In the Hindu and Buddhist tantric traditions, they spoke of this as our third eye, or Ajna chakra (Ajna in English means "authority" or "command" or "to perceive"). This higher dimension or the so-called noumenal realm is the root or source of our visible reality. When the third eye is open, the hidden causal levels are revealed to our consciousness. The vision of our conscious mind soars like an eagle high in the sky able to see horizon to horizon, allowing our perception to patch together the fractions of our normally foggy reality into a unified whole. A magnificent, pure and clear unity. From this place, the whole world is perceived as a pure land, a complex harmony, as a gigantic hologram in which everything is related to everything in such a perfect and beautiful way. In such a state we can be awakened to the wonder of the sacred act of creation and be filled with the gratitude and peace that accompanies such a vision.

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