Regardless of the particular negative feeling, we all experience them. Fortunately, there are many methods we can employ to let them go. But it does require facing them. Repressing them, resisting them or pretending they don’t exist will only strengthen them. So, we have to take a different tack. For you the negative feeling could be anger, sadness, loneliness, fear, anxiety, shame, or even boredom or apathy. Or something else. Whatever your negative feeling flavor is today, for this meditation, it is best if you have a specific feeling in mind, or memory of an experience that generates that feeling, to work with.

We need to speak the language of our emotional selves if we are going to let go of negative feelings or heal an emotional wound. The way this part of our self works is that anytime our life veers on a course that even remotely resembles the facts or circumstances of a past moment where we had these feelings, these emotional ghosts become very animated and old patterns and habits reemerge. The fear that something bad is going to happen again creates a surge of energy that activates these long-buried demons. A surge so powerful that they can take you over, literally almost like a possession where your thoughts, feelings and actions start to become disconnected from the reality of your situation. You are just living your life and before you know it you are acting like a crazy person. You might have a big deal at work or a speech to give or a family member going through some troubles, but your levels of fear and anxiety are more in line with a situation where your own life is in immediate mortal danger.

Most of the Serena meditations allow you to bypass these dark places. The method is such that, without repressing or suppressing these darker passages of our history, we can free ourselves from them without directly addressing them. The ghosts or echoes of long ago events hang around long after the actual incident. These memories will haunt you for many years, some would say many lifetimes. And sometimes the unpleasant moments of our past haunt us with such persistence that it is helpful to have a technique to just go right at it. So that is what we are going to do today. I am going to guide you through the steps to let go of your “ghosts” of negative feelings inside. 

As a side note, I should say that I will be using the words ghost and demons in this meditation. You should be aware that I use them as a device to focus your mind. If you prefer, you can call them habitual patterns of neurological activity that irresistibly manifest as unpleasant emotions and dysfunctional behavior. But those aren’t words we can work with very easily to effect a change in your life. They might please our intellect, but they do nothing for our emotional self. So, I’m going to stick with the ghost metaphor and (unless you’re someone that is really into ghosts), I ask that you just think of this term like a sort of brain hack or shortcut and play along with the metaphor. 

NOTE: This is a 15 minute version of the Letting in the Light guided meditation.

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