There are reports from every culture and every age of certain human beings who somehow seem to be able to transcend the emotional disturbances that seem to be a given element of being a human being. An enlightened master once told me that their secret was simple: letting go. Anyone could experience this life of peace and joy and illumination that the great ones speak of just by learning to let go. Letting go. It was that simple. But how do you do that, and why does it work?  

Well, it works because resistance, holding on, and wanting are the source of suffering. They are the mind patterns that sustain the illusion of our separation us from our true self. So, letting go shatters that illusion. And when the illusion is shattered, we sense the connection to the universal love and power and peace that is our source. That is why it works. 

But how do you do it and when can you practice it? In fact, you can practice it every day, all the time. Every thought that arises, every want, every resistance you have, you simply let go of it. Over and over again until it is second nature. With enough practice, the letting go becomes a reflex. And those who have taken this path before you teach that eventually, with enough letting go, the neurological habits of holding on and resisting and wanting fade away and your consciousness will stabilize on the true nature of your mind. The structure of your brain literally experiences a permanent physical and electrochemical change. 

This is a 20 minute version of the Reconnect with your Source episode.

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