There is more to you than just the flesh and guts of your physical body. You may think that your body plus your thoughts or the contents of your consciousness is all there is to you. But the great masters from disperse regions and times have explored this question and each reached the same conclusion. One level up from the physical world of course are your emotions and then the next layer is your thoughts. But there are several layers or levels of being above those three. The easiest one to access is your energetic body. Your consciousness is dominated by the information coming in from your senses and the emotions and thought patterns that your mind generates so it is hard for you to notice that there this world of energy all around and within you. All of this matter and energy in the physical and energetic dimensions is interacting with your body and your mind all the time. The root chakra, located at the base of your spine, is the connection point to the energy this dimension of energy that permeates this physical world of ours. The fluctuating, vibrant fields of energy that we are immersed in and a part of can be connected to and sensed by bringing your attention to this chakra. And there is tremendous healing potential, both physically and emotionally, by connecting and harmonizing with these fields of energy. This guided meditation will give you a sense of what that means and start you on your journey to activating this chakra and aligning it with the energy of the world around you. 

This is a 45 minute version of the Condensed Energy guided meditation.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.