Hold on to your helmets, Guardians, as we are about to go fast. Go REALLY fast! Remember, Guardians, to leave us your feedback and thoughts…Continue readingShow #033: The “Go Fast” Update Show

Hold on to your helmets, Guardians, as we are about to go fast. Go REALLY fast!

Remember, Guardians, to leave us your feedback and thoughts on Update 1.1.4 at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. We’d love to hear from you!

00:00 — Show ID

00:09 — Introduction

Picking up a theme in the introduction drop-in’s?
You got to admit — that was a good compilation intro!
Hold on, we’re having this debate now?!
Brandon is kind of young for Tee’s drop-in…
This had got to be the fastest we’ve hopped off the rails.

2:11 — Episode #033: The “Go Fast” Update

Seriously, Tee, how appropriate is that drop-in?
What we know about the “Go Fast” update?

Full details on Update 1.1.4 can be found here.
Nick is still not a fan of speed…nor Brother Vance.
A conversation between Nick and Dan.
Nick does love his Feedback Fence.
If you were thinking that TheTeeMonster was unstoppable on Sunday, here is the truth….
This update is Brandon-approved! Here’s why.

Reflections on Mayhem.
A few details on the Sandbox changes to Guardians’ supers
The difference between movement in D1 and D2
Thanks a lot, Nick.
Silicon Neuroma. Named like a Jaeger, sounds like a perfume.
Let’s talk about Brandon on an Arcstrider.
Nick’s reason for the podcast is way more paranoid.
Tee was a little surprised by how fast he was as a Titan.

The warm-up made him dizzy.
Tee’s the monkey wrench in the raid lair.
Got more to talk about, as we usually do…

15:53 — The Shared Desk

16:53 — Episode #033: The “Go Fast” Update (Part Two)

Okay, Tee is going to mix it up with the “speed” drop-in’s…
…but Tee wants to give Ezra Miller props.
And as we are talking about the Crucible and Destiny, Nick talks about hockey.

The Las Vegas Golden Knights did something incredibly cool…
Did you want to hear more hockey news? Swing by the sister-podcast, the Geek Wolfpack Podcast.

What you can now expect from the Dawnblade
Stepping into Rumble…
Thoughts on the Nightfall after the “Go Fast” update

Blink, and you will miss iLulu running the Pyramidion.
Running for the Silicon Neuroma.
Be careful what you wish for, Guardians.

At the Nightfall… “We hate you, Travis.”
At the Raid… “We hate you, Tee.”
Breaking on a Clan Talk tangent…
…to go on another tangent about the last Faction Rally.
For Tee: The Grind. In particular — Archon’s Forge.
What we can get away with because Stacia Kelly doesn’t listen to the podcast.
Talking about the Grind…

Anyone else miss Archon’s Forge from Destiny?
Why a “Battle Royale” in Destiny 2 would be a bad idea?

A little bit of Fortnite talk. (Yes, this is a Destiny podcast, we know…)
Bring us back to Destiny 2, Nick!

Returning to 6v6 in the Crucible
Quitter Penalties — thoughts?
The truth about 1.1.4
Shout-outs to 3vil_Aura and ZGPhoto, and their opinions of the update

When it comes to NPC’s we really don’t like, this guy is our BIG WEINER…

Quick shout-out’s to Winged Dynamite and SubiFan05 for stellar Destiny cosplays at AwesomeCon this past weekend!
Do you have a favorite show from Year One? Share that moment with us!

Voicemail/WhatsApp — 703.791.1701
Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com
Or how about leaving us a comment right here on the blog?

Where to find us online…

Pinterest (No, really, Pinterest!)
…and Twitch, featuring Tee and Brandon

And here’s where to find us on PlayStation Network…

Tee — TheTeeMonster
Orion — Obi-Orion
Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff
Nick — Rev3Dood

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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