Hard to believe, but we have been at this for one year. One year of columns, news, interviews, video, and random goofiness from a Fireteam…Continue readingEpisode #032: A Podcast Turns One Year Old!

Hard to believe, but we have been at this for one year.

One year of columns, news, interviews, video, and random goofiness from a Fireteam of Guardians that loves this game for all its faults. Enjoy this super-sized episode where we look back on a year with Destiny and Destiny 2.

Remember, Guardians, to leave us your feedback and thoughts on a year’s worth of content at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. We’d love to hear from you!

00:00 — New Promo: The One-Year Anniversary

01:15 — Introduction

We hit the ONE YEAR mark!!!
Brandon drop those sick beats on a whim!
The band is back together so hold on to something.
The previous episode…silly fun, right?
Brandon is now fourteen, and single….ladies….

3:33 — Episode #032: A Podcast Turns One Year Old (Part One)

So after one year, should we just repeat ourselves like Bungie has been doing with Destiny 2?
We have This Week at Bungie or “TWAB” so if we called this podcast This Week at the Tower….
Our first “official” episode covered the Age of Triumph!
We had an issue with re-recording episodes, and Nick took offense…
Tee’s got a few “Lost Sectors” in the buffer, donchaknow?
Aaaaaaaand we’re off the rails…
We did a few shows, the three of us, but Coach made his first appearance on the Reveal of Destiny 2.
How the Happy Hour happened…

This was a podcast that made us fall in love with Destiny all over again.
Nick’s reason for the podcast is way more paranoid.
It started on a dungeon crawl.
Nick was hooked by the name.

Nick silently implies a lot on mic, so you can imagine what we are implying here.
What we have done in a year?

31 official shows, including weekly shows between the Beta and Destiny 2
The Dog Days of Advent
Video segments
Special columns on the blog…
…and then Brandon slams the brakes on this show!
And the interviews!

Proudest Moment on the Podcast for the hosts

For Ron: When we got real about Bungie
For Nick: The Voice Actor Interviews
For Brandon: Being a part of the podcast
For Tee: Watching Brandon come out of his podcasting shell…

23:07 — Geektitude

23:39 — Episode #032: A Podcast Turns One Year Old (Part Two)

Remembering Joy-O.
Nick is taking the command of this Fireteam. Here we go…
A look back on Episode #6: Baby’s First Raid

The numbering of the episodes are a little off. So. Much. CONTENT.
And that episode brings up Brandon’s sore point about the Leviathan.
A change in clans offers options.
And a tangent on Raids late is revealed.
Nick’s hatred of Brother Vance knows no depths.

What do we miss from Destiny 2 that we would like to come back.

For Ron: The disconnect between the Raid and the Endgame
For Tee: The Grind. In particular — Archon’s Forge.
The beauty of “one more game” during Forge Weapons…

What we would like to see coming in the future for Destiny 2…

For Brandon: A new Vex Raid on remastered planets from Destiny.
For Ron: An improvement in social interactions on the individual platform.
For Tee: New missions on new planets
And Ron drops an amazing creative bomb to ponder for a future DLC or Destiny 3…

A few true confessions from Coach to end the show on.
Do you have a favorite show from Year One? Share that moment with us!

Voicemail/WhatsApp — 703.791.1701
Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com

Where to find us online…

Pinterest (No, really, Pinterest!)
…and Twitch, featuring Tee and Brandon

And here’s where to find us on PlayStation Network…

Tee — TheTeeMonster
Orion — Obi-Orion
Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff
Nick — Rev3Dood

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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