Cleaning a toilet is a task that often gets postponed, but it's essential to keep toilets clean. A dirty toilet will look bad, smell bad and breed germs. The toilet is an area of the home that requires regular cleaning, as residue and enzymes quickly accumulate on the toilet surface, leaving unattractive discolored stains. There are many retail toilet cleaning products on the market, but these contain harsh chemicals that are unsafe for the family as well as for the pipes in many homes. Instead, use a combination of vinegar and baking soda, which will clean, disinfect and deodorize the toilet. Look for your nearest braintree house cleaning services to know more about toilet bow cleaning naturally!

When it comes to cleaning your areas of your home using natural alternatives instead of traditional cleaners, few things can be used for so many different jobs quite like baking soda. You can take care of using baking soda as the main ingredient. So, grab a box of baking soda and tackle those cleaning jobs without having to use any harmful chemicals.

Step 1
Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda into the toilet.

Step 2
Pour 1 cup of household vinegar into the bowl.

Step 3
Put the lid down on the toilet, and let the ingredients work for 30 minutes.

Step 4
Lift the lid on the toilet bowl, and scrub the bowl with a toilet brush. The 30-minute wait will have allowed the ingredients to break apart the residue, making the scrubbing process very easy.

Step 5
Flush the toilet when the bowl is clean. Vinegar and baking soda will not harm your plumbing.

Step 6
Repeat at least once per week or as needed to keep the toilet bowl cleaned.