As black women, we need to understand that our lives and the outcomes of them are within our control more than we know. The decisions and intention we carry into each day, leading into the rest of our lives, make an impact we can’t fathom. Jill Flowers is Rosetta’s guest on this episode and she serves black women as a spiritual mentor and life coach, one who helps you get in touch with the deeper reasons for your existence and the ways you can enrich your own life independent of the circumstances you face. Listen and be inspired by Jill’s frank but down to earth advice - and be sure to share the episode with others you know could benefit.

When black women are living a happy and fulfilled life, everyone benefits.

It’s tempting for black women of all ages to believe that taking care of themselves is selfish. People depend on you. People need you to be there for them. But if you are not healthy, strong, and vibrant, how can you expect to be there for them when needed? It’s not possible, which is why it’s the most unselfish thing you can do to take care of yourself. In this episode, Jill Flowers explains why you need to place a higher priority on providing for your own health and happiness and the positive impact it will have on the people you love if you do. Don’t miss it.

You have to be active in your own healing and happiness.

Life is not only something that happens all around you, it’s something you have an influence on yourself. You get to contribute, you get to impact the world in significant ways. That principle holds true for the healing and happiness you need and want as well. In this episode, Jill Flowers describes what happens when black women determine to take part in their own healing and pursue their purpose with all that they are - and she gives some tips for how you can get started on your own healing journey right away. You won’t want to miss what she has to teach.

If you set your intention for the day, nothing outside of you can change that unless you let it.

One of the most impacting things Jill Flowers spoke about in this conversation with Rosetta was the power of setting your personal intention for a given day. She says that when you take the time each morning to pray, meditate, and center yourself for the day - and then proactively decide how you will show up in that 24 hour period, nothing can stop you. It’s a choice, a determination that only you have the power to initiate, and Jill explains how it can happen. If you can adopt this practice it can set you free from circumstances and put you in the place of control over your own life.

Black women naturally put others first - but sometimes it is what kills them.

We are women, black women - and we naturally have a place of concern and compassion for those in our lives. But our tendency to put others first can be overdone, to the exclusion of our own health, well-being, and emotional strength. Jill Flowers says that we’ve got to stop, we’ve got to develop a plan for keeping ourselves healthy and on track before it’s too late. You can hear Jill’s advice and discover some steps you can take right now to reorient your path so you don’t crash and burn like so many women do. It’s all on this episode of Happy Black Woman.

Outline of this great episode [0:29] Rosetta’s intro to this episode and her guest Jill Flowers. [2:55] How Jill decided she was going to dedicate herself to being a soul activist. [8:35] The role anger played in pushing Jill to take her calling more seriously. [12:17] The path Jill follows to coach and help black women. [14:30] Jill’s advice for black women who want to begin their own healing journey. [20:00] How Jill stays focused and productive to serve her clients and family. [26:24] What Jill says to women who say they don’t have time to connect with their spirituality. Resources & Links mentioned in this episode Dr. Wayne Dyer Joel Goldsmith Catherine Ponder BOOK: The Dynamic Laws of Healing BOOK: The Dynamic Laws of Wealth BOOK: Healing Secrets of the Ages BOOK: The Shack About JILL FLOWERS

A “Soul Activist” one who advocates for your healing, your awakening and the unfoldment of your purpose. The Soul Activist takes one from “Pain to Power to Purpose”. This is what Jill does in her work with Black Women. She helps Black Women heal from the false narratives and beliefs that keep them from realizing their high potential. The ideas that you are not enough or The “I”m a strong black women” syndrome, I can do it on my own is a belief that needs to be healed. Jill believes that Black Women are the link to healing the Black Community. She believes that when Black Women have a full understanding of their Alkhemy she then becomes the medicine for her family. She is capable of harmonizing her family and thus the community because she herself is harmonized. “Consider, you are powerful beyond measure and you have limitless potential.” Jill Flowers defines a modern day Renaissance Woman as Transformational Speaker, Wedding Officiant, Activist, Author and not the least of these Mother and Wife. Co-Founder of The Abolish the N Word Project, Inc. Jill and her husband received over 100,000 hits on their web site’s powerful message the first month in existence. This was before the term “Viral was apart of the english lexicon. The Brooklyn raised couple received media attention around NY and across the United States including CNN, NY Daily News, Miami Herald and The Washington Post. They were awarded numerous accolades including a Proclamation from the New York City Council, and a Trail Blazer award from The then Manhattan Borough President, Scott Stringer. Jill’s activism inspired her to continue to be of service and she went on to become an Ordained Interfaith Minister. She has now evolved to Spiritual Life Coach and Soul Activist. She uses metaphysics and spiritual principals to provide healing and strength for the women who attend her monthly healing circles and group coaching. Jill's Ministry includes, Officiating Weddings, Couples & Marriage Ministry, Spiritual Counseling, Soul Activation programs, Soul Shops and Healing Retreats. Jill is passionate about being of service and taking a stand for the transformation of consciousness. Her Vow into ministry says it all “I Jill Flowers, vow to use my speech, my listening and my light to awaken to empower and to heal”. Jill lives in Brooklyn, NY with her Husband and two children.