In this powerful episode of Happy Black Woman, Dr. Phoenyx Austin shares why healthy entrepreneurs matter to her, and it all stems from an experience she had in a hospital that involved a woman who had diabetes, a rusty nail, and the terrible last resort decision that had to be made to save her life. It was a pivotal moment in Dr. Phoenyx's life that caused her to see the vital nature of nutrition for herself and for those she helps. You can hear her story and how she helps entrepreneurs move toward a more healthy lifestyle, on this episode.

You don’t have enough hours in the day to burn off the unhealthy stuff you’re eating.

Most Americans are eating far too much of the kinds of foods their bodies can’t use. In fact, even though the body does burn off some of the unhealthy stuff, the truth is that there are not enough hours in the day to burn off the volume of unhealthy food most people eat. That means you’re in a downward spiral which will eventually impact your health - IF you don’t make some vital changes. Find out how you can get started addressing your health so that you can become a healthy entrepreneur, on this episode.

All calories are not created equal: That knowledge could change the way you eat.

The calories in - calories out concept is good to know. You can’t expect to lose weight and build a healthy body if you are consuming more calories than you are burning. However, all calories are not created equal. What that means is that many of the calories you may be eating are actually having a bigger negative impact on your body than others, which makes them harder to burn off. On this episode of Happy Black Woman, you will learn what foods contain the worst kind of calories, how to deal with it from a consumption standpoint, and what you can do to adjust the way you eat to build true health into your lifestyle.

The real reason you gain weight and can’t get it to come off.

Dropping excess weight is about more than metabolism, fats, and calories. There is a myriad of things that go into a healthy weight loss formula but one of the most important has to do with water intake. It’s one thing to stimulate your body to burn more fat, but if you’re not drinking enough water to help flush those fats out of your body, you’ll have trouble dropping weight. On this episode, you’re going to hear some great tips about losing weight, building a healthy lifestyle, and changing your diet over the long term.

To become a healthy entrepreneur you need to make some hard decisions.

What is it you really want from life? Is it energy and a sense of well-being? Is it monetary or career success? Is it good relationships? Very few things in life impact all of those areas and more - and your physical health is one of them. Becoming healthy requires that you understand the vital link bodily health plays in that equation and then make decisions that enable you to put that priority in place so that all the things you want in life will be fueled by it. Dr. Phoenyx Austin is on the show to help us understand how to get to that place, so be sure you listen.

Outline of this great episode [0:29] Rosetta’s guest today - Dr. Phoenix Austin: Her story. [9:30] How Dr. Phoenyx began her own health and lifestyle journey. [13:10] Tips to help women get back to healthy eating in spite of a busy schedule. [22:38] Why whole foods can help you find the right protein balance for your body. [24:58] The impact snacks have on your body. [30:12] Finding the right fitness routine for you. [32:20] How Dr. Phoenyx stays focused and productive. [36:02] The #1 piece of advice for women wanting to build a business. Resources & Links mentioned in this episode Order Dr. Phoenyx’s FitBeauty Shop and get a free gift! About DR. PHOENYX AUSTIN, MD

Dr. Phoenyx Austin, MD is the CEO and founder of the FitBeauty Shop, the Island Body Shop, and author of the best-selling natural hair care guide, If You Love It, It Will Grow. An entrepreneur and nutrition/fitness expert, Dr. Phoenyx loves providing fellow women with amazing products and practical tips to achieve our most fit and beautiful body. Find Dr. Phoenyx on her website and YouTube channel.