Today’s guest is entrepreneur and fitness coach, Adriene Webster.  Adriene’s transparency from her own fitness journey has birthed a business helping women realize their best body and best life.  Adriene focuses on helping any woman who may have let her own health take a backseat. Are you a woman who has developed some bad habits and do not feel as healthy as you know you could? Adriene’s mission is to coach you back into the driver’s seat of your own health. The first piece of her program is based on nutrition. The second piece is all about exercise. But the key is the accountability and check-ins available through her coaching. If you are stuck thinking there is no time for your own health when you’ve got everyone else to take care of, listen in to Adriene’s journey of transforming her body and her life.  Adriene’s dedication to the process is worth hearing, on this episode of Happy Black Woman.  


The best business is born out of your own journey and transformation.


What did Adriene’s life look life prior to this transformation? She was 30 pounds heavier, out of shape, and ridden with the feeling that she was not her best self.  Adriene was already familiar with the fitness industry.  Even as a personal trainer and fitness group instructor, life got in the way.  Adriene’s health was pushed to the back burner.  She gained weight, which led to depression, and sent her spiraling on a weight loss program roller coaster. Even though she knew how to eat and exercise, she wasn’t.  So, Adriene got a coach, which turned into her passion and purpose. Finding a coach and structured program worked for Adriene so well, that she turned it into a business. She’s here today to help you realize that where you are now is not where you have to stay. This episode might be the inspiration you need to finally make those changes for yourself.


Setting a goal sets you up for success.


Adriene’s journey to success was not based on magic or luck.  She set goals and took action steps that can work for any woman who is just willing to start.  Adriene’s transformation came from figuring out where she was and where she wanted to be.  She got specific, personal, and set up goals instead of haphazardly jumping on bandwagons. Adriene knows all too well that obstacles arise, but having those goals can keep you on track. Experience has taught her that if you keep the end in mind, you have done half the work already. Adriene doesn’t leave listeners alone to dream up goals. Instead, she offers a goal setting workbook with mindset exercises and tracking tools to help you stay the course. This podcast includes a free gift from Adriene to start your goal setting! Join Adriene as she shares how she visualized her own summit and marked out a path to reach the top.


Having accountability changes everything.


You might be one of the women thinking, “I know, but I can do this on my own.” Adriene was a personal trainer when she realized she was not where she could be.  She addresses the deeper, emotional aspects of eating and weight loss. As a coach, she objectively helps women sift through those aspects and offers support along the way.  Her perspective changed when she knew someone was checking in on her. The accountability left her with no excuses. Name a weight loss program and she’s tried it.  Have you tried different approaches and methods?  And failed?  If you’ve tried a whole gamut, why not try another way? Adriene’s transformation was not just losing the extra 30 pounds she was lugging around, it was adopting a lifestyle. These days, Adriene maintains habits to keep her fit and on track.  Her days include planned time for cardio and weight training, food prep and planning. Listen in as Rosetta gets nosy about Adriene’s schedule.  If she can do it, you can, too.  Be sure to listen to this conversation to implement your own transformation.


Walk the talk to keep your business authentic.  


If you’re looking for a coach that walks the talk, look no further.  Adriene has learned to keep her fitness, nutrition, sleep and stress in balance, all while working full time, being a wife, having a family, and running a business. Do you need to schedule your exercise time?  Or start packing healthy lunches? Or simply invest in a desktop calendar? If you want to start a business based on what you love, you’ve got to be willing to go on your own journey first. Adriene’s credibility developed from her honest struggle, her imperfect attempts at weight loss, and reaching out for help. Listen to Adriene’s best advice to organize your life and empower you to walk away from excuses and toward purpose and passion. The way Adriene attracts clients is to walk her talk. It does not mean you will journey perfectly or sail smoothly to your goals. Listen in for the motivation you might need to go for it, and inspire others along the way. This is just one gem in the goldmine of Happy Black Woman podcasts available this month!


Outline of this great episode


[0:29] Rosetta’s introduction of today’s guest, Adriene Webster.. [2:00] Adriene’s mission and work for women’s health and fitness. [2:49] How Adriene helps clients transform their fitness and life. [3:50] Why Adriene turned her own transformation into a business. [5:38] Adriene’s personal transformation. [6:59] The first thing Adriene recommends to start the your journey. [8:33] Steps you can take to start the process of transformation. [9:17] A free gift offer from [10:15] The key to lasting change and seeing results in your fitness journey. [11:45] What difference does having a coach make? [13:01] Adriene addresses the woman who thinks she can do it all on her own. [15:09] Rosetta gets nosy about Adriene’s habits to keep herself on track. [16:40] Typical cardio in Adriene’s routine and recommendations to clients. [18:06] Eating habits to stay on track. [19:09] Walking the talk and staying balanced as a coach in all aspects of life. [20:36] Staying productive, meeting business goals and getting things done. [22:53] Addressing the excuse, “I don’t have time.” [25:19] Inspiration and words to live by from Adriene’s journey. [30:27] The number one piece of advice Adriene has for the Happy Black Woman community. [32:50] Adriene Webster’s contact information and free gift offer. [33:44] Rosetta’s recap of this month’s gold mine of podcasts. Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


BOOK: “Bible (New World Translation)


Adriene’s website:

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