This week's guest, Allyson Byrd, has come to be known throughout the business community as the “Profit Accelerator.” Her success has taken her into the league of big industry names like: Walmart, Kraft Foods, Ford, Mercedes, Bank of America, General Motors, UPS, P&G, Walt Disney Company, Walgreens, Target, Wells Fargo, Time Warner, Delta, Boeing, Toyota, Mercedes, Coca Cola, Chic-fil-A, Radio One, Black Enterprise, BET, CVS, Best Buy, Infusionsoft & more! In this week's episode of the Happy Black Woman Podcast Allyson, shares not only her inspirational story but also some practical mindset tips for how you can increase the profit in your business. Hit the play button and settle in to learn from this amazing woman.

What if I just chose to unapologetically be me?

That’s the question Allyson Byrd asked herself after she’d spent far too long gauging herself and her success by the opinions of others. That question is what sparked her move to a better place, a place where she doesn’t apologize for who she is – and she doesn’t think you should either. Allyson didn’t always have it easy but she wouldn’t change a thing in her journey because that journey is what has made her who she is and brought her to where she is today. She’s ready to help take your business to the next level through her unique method of accelerated profit strategies… and gives you a powerful peek into those approaches in this episode, so be sure to listen.

What it means to be unapologetic.

Too many of us tether ourselves to the expectations and demands of others about who we should be, what we should be like, and how we should interact and behave in the world. Today’s guest, Allyson Byrd discovered that her tether didn’t allow her to live in the reality of who she had been created to be. When she was able to accept that there was nothing wrong with who she was, even though it sometimes made others feel uncomfortable that she was so bold and strong in her words and opinions, her life and her business began to take on a new level of effectiveness and joy. Being unapologetic means first becoming comfortable with yourself, then learning to actually BE that person in everyday life, without making excuses for it or moderating it because of the opinions of others. Allyson has some great insights into how you can apply that truth to your own story, on this episode of the Happy Black Woman Podcast.

5 words Allyson Byrd has learned to live by…

Her background and upbringing conditioned Allyson to filter herself by the opinions of others but when she discovered how it stifled her from being her true self she found true freedom. As she’s grown in being herself she’s adopted 5 words that describe the way she wants to live and those 5 words could be a starting place for you to consider the kind of life you should be living, too. What are those 5 words? Unapologetic, Unfiltered, Unleashed, Unstoppable, and Untameable. They are words that communicate freedom and purpose. How do those resonate with you? Allyson’s got lots to say about what those words might mean for you, so be sure to listen.

Allyson Byrd’s #1 tip to the Happy Black Woman community.

When Rosetta asked Allyson what tip she would give to the community, her answer was characteristically blunt. “Make money.” After laughing together a bit, she unpacked what she means. She doesn’t focus on making money out of greed but as a way to communicate how making money comes from a place of confidence and how making money can buy freedom, give you access to the things you need in life, and how it can give you the opportunity not only to move your life forward but to make an impact on the lives of others. So making money is the way you can make a difference. Hear more on this episode.

Outline of this great episode: [0:24] Rosetta’s introduction of today’s guest: Allyson Byrd. [2:00] Allyson’s journey to becoming the “Profit Accelerator.” [9:20] The catalyst for Allyson’s change of heart and mind about her business. [19:15] A typical week in Allyson’s business and life. [21:56] How it can all get done, but not necessarily by you. [27:01] The things that inspire Allyson as she moves forward. [32:36] Allyson’s favorite books. [34:10] Allyson’s personal mantra. [36:38] The #1 tip Allyson gives to the Happy Black Woman community. [39:21] Getting in touch with Allyson. Resources mentioned in this episode:


Allyson’s website:


BOOK: The Bible BOOK: A Course In Miracles BOOK: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey