LaShanda Henry has been developing websites for over 10 years. She owns over 15 web properties and is most passionate about two things: creating positive websites for people of color and helping women entrepreneurs learn how to build successful businesses online.

In her own words, “My life’s mission is to motivate, inform, inspire, and connect. With my mother in mind, I do what I do for parents looking to better their children’s lives and for women striving to live their dreams. I love to share information and build communities online. It’s what I do and who I am.” LaShanda is Rosetta’s guest on this episode of Happy Black Woman, so grab a drink and a notepad and come meet this amazing woman!


On a mission to use technology as a tool of positive change!


LaShanda Henry is on a mission to use technology within the black community online and at home. She’s a work at home mom with a passion for building websites and helping other women like me make sense of making money online. She’s done it herself and knows how to help others do it too. One look at her website, shows you that she’s got a TON to offer. Listen in to this casual conversation between LaShanda and Rosetta as they discuss LaSanda’s story, technology, productivity, and why every black woman can step beyond where she’s at to open up new doors of opportunity, if she’ll just do it. It’s all in this episode.


So are you ready to start making money online?


LaShanda specializes in teaching women just like you how to do exactly that! She believes that by making the most of your skills and developing multiple ways to make money online, any woman can grow into a successful work at home career of her own, be her own boss, and set the terms of her life the way that SHE wants them to be. Is that the kind of help you’re looking for? It’s a tough journey, but you’ve got a sister like LaShanda to help you navigate your course. Set aside some time to listen to her journey on this episode and be ready for some inspiration to reach out and touch you!


It only takes one step to get you rolling toward an entirely new life.


LaShanda’s story is not all that uncommon. LIke many online entrepreneurs, her present business didn’t start out as a “business” at all. At first, it was a hobby, fueled by her interest in technology and a desire to see what she could do with it. From there it turned into a side hustle (a part time job on the side) until now, she works at home running her own business. And a big part of her heart is to help black women see that there really ARE people like them out there who are becoming successful building their own businesses and brands. LaShanda is an example to inspire you to take that first step. What are you waiting for? Come listen to LaShanda’s story and let it spark a dream inside of you.


The success of your business depends on the company you keep.


That is one of LaShanda Henry’s favorite statements. It’s a lesson she’s learned over the years as she turned an interest into a hobby, a hobby into a side hustle, and that side hustle into her own full time, work from home business. What it means practically is that she had to find women like herself who were eager to become successful doing their own thing, building a business that could support them and take care of their families. And she’s done exactly that. Now she runs and has created an online community for Black Business Women at . What company are you keeping? Do you need to find those women who can inspire you? Start by taking a listen to this episode. LaSanda and Rosetta are happy to inspire and motivate you to take the next steps.


Outline of this great episode


  • [0:24] Welcome and introduction of today’s guest: LaShanda Henry
  • [1:51] LaShanda’s story and her mission from her own lips.
  • [3:09] How SistaSense got started: What was in LaShanda’s mind?
  • [5:42] Lessons learned about herself from all her experience.
  • [8:36] The power of LaShanda’s example: Providing a mentor that is in the same place and same race/gender as those who need help.
  • [11:24] A glimpse into LaShanda’s typical day: calendaring is key!
  • [14:19] A deep dive into how LaShanda uses her calendar to make sure the right things are done according to the right schedule.
  • [17:34] Tools that help LaShanda with productivity.
  • [20:10] LaShanda’s big scary goals for SistaSense over the next 5 years.
  • [23:14] What is freedom to you LaShanda?
  • [25:29] The things that make LaShanda happy.
  • [27:22] Who inspires you, LaShanda?
  • [30:24] LaShanda’s personal mantra.
  • [31:40] The #1 piece of advice LaShanda gives to the Happy Black Woman community.
  • [33:32] The best ways to stay in touch with LaShanda.


Resources mentioned in this episode