In this week’s episode, I’m joined by Caroline Baird to discuss the nuances of happiness, self-awareness, and personal growth. We discuss the pivotal moment when someone decides to make a change in their life, as well as the essential steps and considerations involved in embarking on a path of personal growth and transformation.

We explore the distinction between authentic desires and societal expectations, along with how to bring awareness to the gap between what we genuinely want and what we believe we should want, often influenced by external pressures.

Throughout the episode, we encourage you to reflect on their long-term goals and aspirations, as well as how vulnerability can be harnessed as a catalyst for personal transformation. Confidence in decision-making and strategies for navigating uncertainty are also addressed.

Carline provides actionable advice on how to infuse more happiness into daily life, empowering you to start making positive changes and finding greater fulfillment from today onward.

Caroline Baird is a transformation coach and leadership mentor. She works with individuals to explore their passions and strengthen their confidence, and works with organizations to build the skillset of their teams in this ever changing world. 

Caroline’s down-to-earth style, humour and interactive training, leaves individuals empowered.  She loves to share tools that have made her successful and develop mindsets that they will use throughout their life. Caroline is passionate about people and leadership; all which support business success, and is inspired to help people take their careers – and themselves – to unprecedented levels.


We’ll touch on:

[3:56] What does happiness mean to Caroline?

[5:57] You’ve decided you want to make a change - now what?

[9:38] How do we bring awareness to the difference between what we actually want and what we believe is what we should want, according to others?

[12:45] Considering our legacy.

[16:48] How do you start to make a transformation when you need vulnerability?

[17:30] Finding confidence in your decisions.

[21:30] Struggling with dealing with the unknown.

[24:57] Do you think that there's any way we can do life wrong?

[27:51] How can someone create a little more happiness each day starting today?



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