In this episode I dive in to the topic of embracing our desire to explore our own path and the power it takes to fully step into the lives we desire with my guest Andi Eaton Alleman.

Andi is the Founder of Oui, We - a platform dedicated to new school approaches to radiant living. She serves as a Soul Strategist working with companies like Google, and Pinterest, and conscious brands and CEOs interested in fusing soul and spirit into work. 

She also hosts the top-ranked wellness podcast Your Woo Woo Best Friend, which features practical conversations for attainable transformation. 

Her latest book, Elemental: Nature Inspired Rituals to Nourish Your Life is full of rituals that are all about supporting this radiant, creative, really tuned into an intuitive way of living incorporating the five elements and she is the Founder and Creative Director of the clean beauty brand Casa Noon, launching Summer '23.

While incorporating the idea of failing fast, forward in order to embrace the lessons we learn from failure and the concept of Wabi Sabi and finding beauty in everything, including imperfection, Andi helps others dial in to their true purpose and what fulfills them.

She also breaks down how the five elements (fire, wind, water, earth, and ether) affect our everyday life and how we can tap into each of these to support and strengthen our creativity and life. 


We’ll touch on:

[3:30] What does happiness mean to Andi?

[4:41] The power stillness has in creativity

[7:22] The concept of Wabi Sabi and beauty in imperfection

[10:50] Living an intuitive life

[13:28] Failing fast forward and honoring the space it takes to choose a different path

[20:34] How Andi uses her creativity to find her sole purpose and infuse it into her work

[27:21] Including the five elements in your life

[31:21] How can someone create a little more happiness each day starting today



Podcast Resources: 

Apply to be a podcast guest:

Buy her Book Elemental 

Join the email list to be the first to know about Casa Noon, Andi’s capsule skin care collection which pairs beautifully with the rituals in her book (launching late summer): and follow the brand on Instagram @casanoonbeauty


Connect with Simona 


Connect with Andi

Buy her Book Elemental

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