OxygenOS has some awesome features.

OnePlus's Android skin, OxygenOS, is close enough to stock to make Android purists happy while also including some incredibly handy features for power users. Jason Howell shows off some of his favorite tips and tricks on the OnePlus 8 Pro and explains why OxygenOS is one of his favorite Android-based operating systems.

High resolution and high refresh rate.Hide the front-facing camera.Ambient display and horizon light.Password protect certain apps.Hide apps in their own space.Have multiple versions of a single app in parallel.Force dark mode on unsupported apps.Tweak the fingerprint sensor animation.Use the fingerprint sensor as a quick launch.Optimize battery charging for long term health.Charge other wireless charging devices with the OnePlus 8.Confuse yourself with the inclusion of the Color Filter Camera.Screen Recorder that actually records internal audio.Reading mode in Quick Settings.

See Jason's review of the OnePlus 8 & 8 Pro at twit.tv/hot/87

Host: Jason Howell

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