Han and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of October 21st, 2018, and beyond, including:

Carolyn Hax: "Your husband may be cranking the hostility to 11" Ask a Manager: "my employee keeps adjusting himself while were talking" Ask Dr. NerdLove: "When Do I Disclose My Mental Illness?" Ask APW: "Is The Sexism Of The Wedding Industry Mirrored In My Relationship?" A Practical Wedding: "This Is How I've Learned To Deal With Emotional Labor" Queer Abby: "I Think I'm A Lesbian But I Don't Fit The Stereotypes" SPONSOR: Podigy: The podcast editing service we partner proudly with! Listener Anxious Ace Asking After Amorous Advice: "What's An Asexual Panromantic To Do?" Opinion Overflow Live! on Facebook #3 Coming soon to a Facebook Fan Page near you! Spooky Patron Names:

Aephe, Gout Batty-Rage

Heldraga the Undead

Akinma, Burial Hell-a-Mentalist

Cynthea Moth-Man-Flurry

E, Eerie Sin-Sturgeon

Dhergo, Sordid Strangler

The "She Who Shall Not Be Named" One

Taphre, Renewed Cultist

Riecka the Executioner

The Phantom of Milkbay

Aurora, Even Darker Huntress

Xantar, Feared Aero-Not-Going-With-the-Obvious-Pun

Alana, Mutant Entrailblazer

Dr. Wrenwood, Rabid Feminist

Kavura, Killustrious Murderer

Lygeia, Conniving Basilisk

Tamisril, Drop Bear of The Land Down Under

Zelda Ambershine, Satan's Cerberus

Kahlmera, Revenant of The Milkbay DMV

Silnia Fearfangs

Azuriel, Golem of the Devil's Shank-Tuary

Musa the "Shirt That Needs Badly Ironed" Hearted

Ethemera of the Shade Massacre

Lady Margella III, Ghost Commander of Davy Jones' Pirate Ship

Kroval Zidarose, Unpaid Intern of Davy Jones' Pirate Ship

Orlahv, Wicked Witch

Kalvarin Ashmor, Hellhound Dirty Dancer

Nyori the Too Familiar Spirit

Feldaius, Plaguesmith of Hysteria Frights

Kaimura Coldplum, Whose Crimes Will Be Named, Finally, In Alphabetical Order:

Blocking the exit of the elevator at the end of the work day because you were too busy looking at your phone to notice the door had opened and this is definitely why I missed my train, Kaimura.

Helping yourself to the rest of MY oat milk in the work kitchen and acting like you thought it was communal oat milk and refusing to apologize, Kaimura.

Racism (probably).

Repeatedly misspelling our colleague's name in a work email that the entire department could see, when the name was RIGHT THERE and is the same name it has always been, Kaimura.

Taking loud and angry personal phone calls at your desk even though literally no one cares about the later-than-expected status of your Zappos order, KAIMURA.

Norgowyn, Gloomsayer of The Haunted Doll Chromak, Demon of Gore-Boding Holly Hellhunter, But, Like, a Hunter From Hell and Not a Hunter of Things From Hell, Y'Know? Ludathius, 'Avatar' by M. Night Shyamalan Zephyr Dawngazer, Helper of Doppelgängers

Submit your favorite questions or questions you may have for the podcast to [email protected], anonymously at bit.ly/askhanandmatt, or to [email protected] for a Han-only written answer on hanandmattknowitall.com.

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