We're excited to release our Oct 14th conversation with Liz Clark, the newly appointed CEO of IHRSA. She joined Pete for a HALO Talks live during the IHRSA 2021 convention in Dallas. Liz grew up in Montana, played 3 varsity sports and is an avid outdoor fan, "but I'm a city kid now and live in DC!" she jokes. 

When asked about the advocacy role IHRSA plays she states, "Yes, we have a trade show and publications, but we were never an advocacy focused organization. We did do a lot of advocacy at the state level, but nothing federally. We just weren't structured that way. That wasn't the Mission of the Board . . . but obviously over time it became much more critical." 

She continues, "We know we lost a lot of members over the years because we weren't focused on advocacy . . . I was very intentionally chosen for this position to pivot the organization to focus on advocacy and communication. That is the first thing we're doing out of the gate." 

She discusses the need for IHRSA to reevaluate "our value for membership," the actual name of the organization itself, the value proposition, and much more. She also provides immediate, easy-to-follow advice for what health clubs (and members) can do to continue to get their voices heard, talks about how PAC's work, other concerns which are at the top of her list, what drew her to IHRSA, and more. This is a must listen for anyone in the HALO sector! 

Click here to download transcript.