In this episode, I get to speak with my good friend, Carey Ransom. I got to work with Carey over 10 years ago at one of our favorite companies. WebVisible, and we all left and did great things. I'm happy to say that I've been in connection with a lot of the people that I worked with at WebVisible. 

Carey had a really amazing role at WebVisible and since then he has done some really astonishing work in the local business arena for Orange County. He's been creating long term value through his podcast. As marketers, companies, and, as human beings, we want instant gratification. We forget about what it takes for that overnight success.

Carey has, from my perspective established some of these remarkable companies. 

Listen in as we learn Carey's journey in business and building his community.

Our Guest

Carey Ransom


Website:  (Support Innovation & Startups in Orange County)

Twitter: ransomthoughts

Hacks to take Away

Creating some really long term value

kind of doing everything from a really young age.

Being the face of the family and the face of the business.

The initial experience in where leverage and negotiation and relationship building.

The belief that technology was going to have an increasing impact and changing the world and how we did things.

Look at another opportunity where you could do more, grow more,

How he came into a place where he can be a really helpful advisor.

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