Earlier this month, Rolling Stone published a 13,000-word, independent review conducted by the Columbia Journalism School around its November 2014 story, "A Rape on Campus," which the report deemed to be riddled with basic reporting errors. Rolling Stone has since retracted the story and the reporter has issued a formal apology.

To walk us through the full timeline - from how the article came together and how it finally fell apart - we spoke with Allie Bidwell, Education Reporter for U.S. News & World Report, who has been covering the story for months.

Before talking to Allie, we chatted about two ongoing stories - the 2015 Pulitzer Prize announcements and BuzzFeed's continued deletion, and subsequent restoration, of editorial posts that may have violated BuzzFeed's commercial interests.

Follow Allie on Twitter: @alliebidwell
Visit Allie's author page: USNews.com/Topics/Author/Allie-Bidwell
Follow March Communications on Twitter: @marchpr
Follow Manny and Jim on Twitter: @zmveiga and @JW_Young
Visit the PR Nonsense blog: MarchPR.com/blog

Show Notes:

BuzzFeed Says Posts Were Deleted Because of Advertising Pressure (The New York Times)
New ASME Guidelines Address Native Ads (MediaPost)
Daily Breeze Celebrates Its Surprise Pulitzer (The New York Times)
The Pulitzer Prize Scam (Politico)
"A Rape on Campus": What Went Wrong? (Rolling Stone)
Why a UVA Frat's Potential Lawsuit Could Succeed (U.S. News & World Report)

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