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Hacker Public Radio

753 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 days ago - ★★★★ - 33 ratings

Hacker Public Radio is an podcast that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday. Our shows are produced by the community (you) and can be on any topic that are of interest to hackers and hobbyists.

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HPR3316: FSF and RMS on election of Richard Stallman

April 19, 2021 00:00 - 7.52 MB

This show is a counter point to the show hpr3311 :: Bradley M. Kuhn’s article from 2019 on Richard M. Stallman From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In September 2019, Richard Stallman resigned as president of the FSF and left his “visiting scientist” role at MIT after making controversial comments about Marvin Minsky’s alleged role in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking scandal. Stallman remained head of the GNU Project nevertheless and, in 2021, he returned to the FSF board of directors....

HPR3315: tesseract optical character recognition

April 16, 2021 00:00 - 2.04 MB

Tesseract (software) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tesseract is an optical character recognition engine for various operating systems. It is free software, released under the Apache License. Originally developed by Hewlett-Packard as proprietary software in the 1980s, it was released as open source in 2005 and development has been sponsored by Google since 2006. In 2006, Tesseract was considered one of the most accurate open-source OCR engines then available. $ tesseract -l eng e...

HPR3314: Introduction... A little bit about me

April 15, 2021 00:00 - 2.81 MB

Inoffensive in every region of the world. Meeting me is a completely different story. Name is Trey. I have been listening to HPR for about a year and after hearing repeated pleas for episodes, I thought I would record some of my own. I cannot guarantee quality of production nor content, but I hope you find them entertaining. This episode is simply an introduction with a little bit of information about me My love of computers began 40 years ago when my parents scrimped and saved to purcha...

HPR3313: Zoom Update

April 14, 2021 00:00 - 1.85 MB

Script and instruction at https://james.toebesacademy.com/ZoomUpdate.html GitHub Repo: https://github.com/ToeJet/Scripts/tree/main/ZOOMUPDATE Zoom does not provide a standard Fedora repo for updating. To get around that, this script will check the zoom fedora download link. If an update is found, it will download the new version, stop the current version from running, then install the updated package. All versions are downloaded to the same folder as the script. Filename is changed to mat...

HPR3312: COVID Doldrums

April 13, 2021 00:00 - 33.8 MB

Introduction Hosts: MrX Dave Morriss We had some issues with getting Mumble to work, for reasons we couldn’t quite fathom. Both ends needed to be restarted several times until all worked properly. We recorded this on Sunday March 7th 2021. The last time we set up a chat like this was back in August 2020, surprisingly! Note on the title: the term the doldrums refers to a belt around the equator where sailing ships used to be becalmed due to the lack of wind. It also means a state of ina...

HPR3311: Bradley M. Kuhn's article from 2019 on Richard M. Stallman

April 12, 2021 00:00 - 13.2 MB

This show has a counter point show hpr3316 :: FSF and RMS on election of Richard Stallman Warning This show contains information that may not be suitable for all. Listener discretion is advised. Recently Richard M. Stallman, announced that he has rejoined the Free Software Foundation’s board of directors. An open letter on github called for him to be removed again, and for the FSF’s entire board to resign. When he resigned in 2019, Bradley M. Kuhn (from the Free as in Freedom podcast) wro...

HPR3310: Layer Masks

April 09, 2021 00:00 - 8.46 MB

One of the key tools in GIMP is Layer Masks, which allow you to make selected parts of a layer transparent, so that lower layers can come through. This is a way to get the same kinds of effects you would get with physical transparency sheets or animation gels. Links: https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Public_domain_image_resources https://snappygoat.com/ https://snappygoat.com/s/?q=flowerscloseup#eda72d0e7eedc238eed8f7acffc515dba94ce64c,1,342 https:/...

HPR3309: Linux Inlaws S01E27: The Big Uncertainties in Life and beyond

April 08, 2021 00:00 - 27.2 MB

In this episode, our two heroes explore the realm of the great uncertainties also known as probabilistic data structures. For this adventures they managed to retain one of the experts in this field from the open source realm. Check out the episode to get in on this secret and its details! Links: Probabilistic data structures (PDS): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Probabilistic_data_structures Hash functions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function Bloom / cuckoo filters: https...

HPR3308: let's talk about Thunderbird

April 07, 2021 00:00 - 16.4 MB

Thunder bird, the wonderful email client. I share how I use and enjoy the Thunderbird email client. use `hpr391` as the subject for all emails. If not, junk filter.

HPR3307: Git worktree

April 06, 2021 00:00 - 11.8 MB

Create a new worktree $ git branch | tee * dev trunk $ git worktree add -b hotfix ~/demo/penguin.tree trunk Preparing ../penguin.tree (identifier penguin.tree) HEAD is now at 62a2daf commit List existing worktrees $ git worktree list /home/tux/demo/penguin.git 15fca84 [dev] /home/tux/demo/penguin.tree 09e585d [trunk] Move a worktree $ git worktree move penguin.tree ~/Temp Remove a worktree $ git worktree remove penguin.tree

HPR3306: HPR Community News for March 2021

April 05, 2021 00:00 - 16.4 MB

table td.shrink { white-space:nowrap } New hosts Welcome to our new host: timttmy. Last Month's Shows Id Day Date Title Host 3281 Mon 2021-03-01 HPR Community News for February 2021 HPR Volunteers 3282 Tue 2021-03-02 HP Laptop with AMD Ryzen 3 Mobile with Radeon Graphics Some Guy On The Internet 3283 Wed 2021-03-03 HPR RPG Club reviews Dead Earth klaatu 3284 Thu 2021-03-04 Introduction to gdb klaatu 3285 Fri 2021-03-05 Upgrading Lubuntu on my Samsung...

HPR3305: Nagios part 2

April 02, 2021 00:00 - 12 MB

I did not get any feed back on my first nagios episode, so I can only assume that I perfectly explained what nagios is. And my installation instructions were so good, that no one had any questions. So I will move on to some additional nagios topics. Why use nagios One thing I meant to talk about but forgot in the intro is why you may want to run nagios as a hobbyist. Education, learning a new technology for fun Network Monitoring is a valuable skill and benefit your career if you work in...

HPR3304: Newsflash 21/01/04

April 01, 2021 00:00 - 2.43 MB

Introduction After many years of confusion it has been decided to produce a common standard for dates and times between Europe and the United States of America. When encountering a USA date such as 03/14/2021 (known as Pi Day in the USA) there has been ambiguity over which part of the date is the day and which the month. There can also be confusion as to the year if the two-digit form is used. Standardisation is a way in which these sorts of ambiguities can be resolved. Having a common me...

HPR3303: Slackware on RaspberryPi

March 31, 2021 00:00 - 10.1 MB

a little history slackware on arm started by stuart winter in 2002 became an official port of slackware in 2009 lots of info at the video podcast on youtube why choose slackware can do minimal installs easy education stable and secure who should avoid slackware unwilling or unable to read and follow directions if you think your leet when you use apt instead of apt-get if you think commands like dd are 'scary' howto there is no official port of slackware arm to raspberrypi i thi...

HPR3302: Input Methods on Ubuntu

March 30, 2021 00:00 - 7.67 MB

First I go to the Language Support window. Either search (press Super/Windows, then type) for "Language Support" and go there directly, or search for "Region & Language", go there, then click "Manage Installed Languages". There I click Install / Remove Languages ..., check the Chinese I want, then click Apply. Then I add the packages for the input methods I want, either using the command line (apt install) or the Ubuntu Software application: Chinese Quick: ibus-table-quick-classic Chines...

HPR3301: K S P Kerbal Space Program! (Game)

March 29, 2021 00:00 - 17.4 MB

dont ever use return to launch pad or anything always use quick save and load etc .. quick save before launch etc... stay away from missions that are high altitudes/ and low speed etc ... for now. stick with ones that are ALT or SPEED only .. do both only if you are sure you can do it. use F12 to keep an eye on physics to EVA in space you need upgrade astronaut complex first ... hit the rest button in the build menu to reset all the stage to .. logical order My rules of thumb for parac...

HPR3300: YouTube Channels for Learning Spanish, Part 1

March 26, 2021 00:00 - 8.59 MB

As I have been learning Spanish I have been making use of a variety of tools and aids. One of the best is YouTube, where there is a wealth of free stuff. Of course, Spanish is not the only language with good resources here, but it is the one I am studying right now. But if you are interested in learning another language, or improving your knowledge of one, you should take a look. Links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_GFwrcNlXh92xA8iKFT2WA http://thelanguagetutor.co/ https://www.youtu...

HPR3299: Linux Inlaws S01E26: Make your Linux harder

March 25, 2021 00:00 - 23.9 MB

In this episode our two aging heroes discuss the proper temperature to drink beer at (spoiler: it's not 20 degrees as CAMRA would make you believe) and the ins and outs of basic and enhanced security on our beloved operating system. If you ever wanted to know more about Linux Security Modules, AppArmor and SELinux and how dames of negotiable affections relate to these concepts, this show is for you. Shownotes: Campaign for Real Ale: https://camra.org.uk/ Linux Security Modules: https://en...

HPR3298: Poisoning The Well

March 24, 2021 00:00 - 12.5 MB

Hot, off the cuff. You can leave feedback at [email protected]; "hpr04" for the subject line. Emails are seen as plain text and are filtered. Maybe I'll do a show on email; oops now I owe a show.

HPR3297: Nextcloud Application Updating

March 23, 2021 00:00 - 2.11 MB

Simple method to autoupdate nextcloud apps. An email is sent as summary of actions. Scheduled for 5 AM Sunday - Cron Entry [email protected] 0 5 * * 0 /usr/bin/php /var/www/nextcloud/occ app:update --all 2>&1 # * * * * * command to be executed # - - - - - # | | | | | # | | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0) # | | | +------- month (1 - 12) # | | +--------- day of month (1 - 31) # | +----------- hour (0 - 23) # +------------- min (0 - 59)

HPR3296: Spam Bot Honey Pot

March 22, 2021 00:00 - 3.85 MB

In this episode of Hacker Public Radio, I will describe the method I chose to combat spam bots filling out my company's contact form. About 99% of the submissions we receive are spam, which makes filtering for valid messages painful. After some research into different methods, I decided to go with the honey pot method. The honey pot method uses an extra text input field to lure the spam bot into filling it out. There are different suggestions for how to hide this extra field from valid user...

HPR3295: Renewing a Let's Encrypt cert for Home Network use

March 19, 2021 00:00 - 2.55 MB

Back in hpr3289 :: NextCloud the hard way, I showed you how to install a Let's Encrypt SSL cert for use on your home network. One of the problems was the fact that the automatic renew tools won't work. Today I got a reminder email from Let's Encrypt and I used the exact same command to renew it as I did to create it in the first place. The tool is smart enough to know this is a renewal process. One thing I forgot to do last time was to remove the TXT record from DNS after I was done. So ...

HPR3294: Update to MakeMKV to back up media

March 18, 2021 00:00 - 3.96 MB

This is an update on my previous episode hpr3179 :: MakeMKV to back up media. In the past month, MakeMKV.com has been updated to include Raspberry Pi support. Sources: MakeMKV on Linux post https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=224 MakeMKV on ARM release https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=105912#p105912 It was a very uneventful "It's here" MakeMV on Raspberry Pi (ARM) Click the thumbnail to see the full-sized image wget http://www.makemkv.com/download/mak...

HPR3293: HPR RPG Club reviews Dungeon Raiders

March 17, 2021 00:00 - 25.3 MB

Dungeon Raiders is a D&D "retroclone", designed to mimic old school gaming. It's a simple system, but is it too simple? Find out in today's episode! You can download Dungeon Raiders for free from Drivethrurpg.com You can play games with the RPG club. Subscribe to the HPR mailing list to learn about our schedule, or email Klaatu at this domain.

HPR3292: Squirrel FSF blog

March 16, 2021 00:00 - 22.3 MB

Google Chrome OS https://www.google.com/chromebook/chrome-os Dell Mini 10 https://www.dell.com/sr/business/p/inspiron-mini10z/pd ConnochaetOS - what's left of it. https://sourceforge.net/projects/connochaetos/ OpenBSD website https://www.openbsd.org/index.html Enabling audio in OpenBSD https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq13.html Enabling a webcam in OpenBSD https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq13.html#webcam FuguIta - OpenBSD Live System http://fuguita.org/ Linux Mint - LMDE 4 - Debbie ...

HPR3291: The New Audacity and Batch Processing Macros

March 15, 2021 00:00 - 4.89 MB

When Audacity upgraded it caused some changes that affected my use of it to prepare podcasts I listen to. I did find the answer, though, and I am sharing it with you. http://hackerpublicradio.org/ https://forum.audacityteam.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DZeio_ansE https://www.zwilnik.com/the-new-audacity-and-batch-processing-macros/

HPR3280: What We Need For the ActivityPub Network

February 26, 2021 00:00 - 8.98 MB

Federated social media can open up some wonderful possibilities but we need to make it happen. In this opening keynote address Evan Prodromou, who arguably started it all off, shows that he has thought long and deeply about this, and gives us his vision for where we can take it. https://www.zwilnik.com/better-social-media/activitypub-conference-2020/activitypub-2020-evan-prodromou/ Links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Prodromou https://www.w3.org/community/fedsocweb/ https://www.w3....

HPR3279: Linux Inlaws S01E24: Legacy programming languages

February 25, 2021 00:00 - 25.9 MB

Plankalkül: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plankalk%C3%BCl Fortran: https://fortran-lang.org COBOL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COBOL ALGOL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALGOL GNU Fortran: https://gcc.gnu.org/fortran/ IBM System/36: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_System/36 IBM Z: https://www.ibm.com/it-infrastructure/z/hardware Niklaus Wirth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklaus_Wirth Pascal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_(programming_language) Modula-2: https://en.wik...

HPR3278: A Minor Victory Against Designed-In Obsolescence

February 24, 2021 00:00 - 4.99 MB

The Ipad2, at over 9 years old, is unsupported with security or any other kind of updates. Few apps in the App Store will run on its old version of IOS, and that operating system cannot be upgraded. As far as Apple are concerned an Ipad2 should have been sent to the scrap heap years ago. If you found its 16GB of storage wasn't enough, you were supposed to dump it and buy a new one as you couldn't add more. If you found that you couldn't run the latest version of your favourite apps, dump it...

HPR3277: Microsoft in my Debian repo

February 23, 2021 00:00 - 3.14 MB

Raspberry pi foundation added vscode repo to raspberry OS. Raspberry Pi OS's tried: Raspberry Pi OS https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/ Debian 10 https://raspi.debian.net/ Fedora 33 https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Raspberry_Pi#Downloading_the_Fedora_ARM_image To try later: Arch for Arm https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/broadcom/raspberry-pi-4 TPLink dongle. Actually, it has a 6-7 inch antenna for greater range. https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-desktop-10-...

HPR3276: Deepgeek's thoughts about HD Radio

February 22, 2021 00:00 - 4.98 MB

Deepgeek's thoughts about HD radio. Links multicast chart en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacd Jason Scott episode 120

HPR3275: D1 Mini Close Lid to Scan

February 19, 2021 00:00 - 4.37 MB

wemos-close-to-scan Use a Wemos to monitor if the lid is open or closed on a network scanner. https://github.com/kenfallon/wemos-close-to-scan https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3275 History In episode hpr2430 :: Scanning books, I had a bash file trigger a network scan. This required two steps, one to close the lid and the next to press a key for scantoimage.bash to trigger the next page of the scan. In the intervening time I looked at several solutions to improve this situation....

HPR3274: My Custom dwm Setup

February 18, 2021 00:00 - 17.6 MB

Intro - video on yt, audio on hpr https://youtu.be/EMFMyxYch14 Who am I? arfab, clearnitesky, trumpetplanet my email has changed since my first hpr episode - thanks lavabit! You can now use [email protected] My previous episode was 0618 Story of ricing my own desktop: Always been into customising look/feel, never satisfied Found Luke Smith and liked i3, made own version. Pandemic hits! Started learning Python, JavaScript but had no real use for them... Made a website (inspired by ...

HPR3273: Embrace Firefox

February 17, 2021 00:00 - 7.56 MB

HPR.config Name: "Darwin" Handle: "Some Guy on the Internet" Occupation: "Loiter on the Internet" Hobby: "Freedom" Title: "Embrace Firefox" Summary: "That’s Our Browser!"

HPR3272: In GNU/Linux, there is no "diversity", we're all just data.

February 16, 2021 00:00 - 8.97 MB

I'm just Some Guy On The Internet.

HPR3271: Interview with a 6yo child

February 15, 2021 00:00 - 4.34 MB

Not really hacking but good times

HPR3270: An Example of Using Layers

February 12, 2021 00:00 - 7.99 MB

There is a point where you need to stop being abstract and start demonstrating what you are talking about, so I thought this was a good opportunity to put some things into practice by creating an image. I chose to do a header image for my site Ahuka Communications that would more accurately reflect the content. This lets us use freely licensed images, an OFL-licensed font, layers, and various tools. Note that you can download all of this stuff from my site. Links: https://docs.gimp.org/2.1...

HPR3269: Linux Inlaws S01E23: The first year of the five year plan

February 11, 2021 00:00 - 22.9 MB

Free software (not just Richard's idea): https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html How Nvidia became Skynet: http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3069 Hacktoberfest: https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com Claudio and crew: http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3099 Not going out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_Going_Out An American Pickle: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9059704/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 Mrs Honeyhume: http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3251

HPR3268: Video Game Review - Ark Survival Evolved

February 10, 2021 00:00 - 4.82 MB

Enigma reviews Ark Survival Evolved , a multiplayer survival game for the xbox, PC and ps4 Come chat with us at irc.freenode.net #hackerexchange Follow me on twitter @Ed_N1gma

HPR3267: Ripping Media 2021

February 09, 2021 00:00 - 8.69 MB

android has newpipes for downloading youtube windows youtube-DL script: https://github.com/freeload101/SCRIPTS/blob/master/Windows_Batch/Youtube-dl-ffmpeg-aria2c-updater-downloader.bat ffmpeg notes: I started out by wanting to download facebook live streams and ended up missing it all together Reference (no longer live by the time I got online... ): https://www.facebook.com/FormulaDRIFT/videos/452016008942956/ live video looks like something about mpd files with facebook also looks li...

HPR3266: Upgrading Debian on my raspberry pi

February 08, 2021 00:00 - 16.3 MB

Pi13 upgrade from Jessie 8 to Stretch 9 - performed 15/12/20 History Upgraded my raspberry pi 13, which I think had a minimal install Raspbian, Debian i.e. has no desktop installed. The Pi had a PiFaceIO board installed, refer to my previous HPR episode Hpr2901 Backup process, in case something went wrong I first moved all the unnecessary files to free up as much space as possible Shrunk the Pi partition on the installed 128GB SD card down to 25106MB (24.52GB), (25708544K), 26,325,549,0...

HPR3265: My Chromebook Experience

February 05, 2021 00:00 - 5.06 MB

On January 5, 2021, Zen_Floater2 did an interesting show that you might call a virtual conversation with Klaatu. He took a show that Klaatu had done on the GNU World Order podcast about using Chromebooks, and interspersed his own comments. As I was listening I thought that I had a slightly different perspective, so I recorded this brief show about my own experience. Links http://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3242 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075S8YS87/ https://www.palain.com/my-...

HPR3264: Intro to Nagios

February 04, 2021 00:00 - 10.2 MB

Nagios Basics Introduction I noticed nagios on the requested topics page. I am far from being an expert with nagios and there is a lot I do not know. I have a working knowledge of most of the basic nagios principles. So, hopefully, I can give a useful introduction and review some one the principles of nagios along the way Nagios is a network monitoring tool. You define some things for nagios to check, and nagios will alert you if those checks fail. Nagios has a web UI that is normally us...

HPR3263: My Beginnings in Tech

February 03, 2021 00:00 - 9.89 MB

Hiya! There aren't any links or anything to put here, but putting something in the show notes seems important.

HPR3262: My thoughts on diversity in Linux and open source

February 02, 2021 00:00 - 16.4 MB

Lack of exposure to Linux and open source Lack of interest in Linux and open source Some experiences I had growing up

HPR3261: HPR Community News for January 2021

February 01, 2021 00:00 - 28.6 MB

table td.shrink { white-space:nowrap } New hosts Welcome to our new host: TrumpetJohn. Last Month's Shows Id Day Date Title Host 3240 Fri 2021-01-01 Linux Under Attack Ahuka 3241 Mon 2021-01-04 HPR Community News for December 2020 HPR Volunteers 3242 Tue 2021-01-05 The eternal battle over how to run your chromebook is about to begin Zen_Floater2 3243 Wed 2021-01-06 Pictor - free and open radio astronomy Andrew Conway 3244 Thu 2021-01-07 Interview wit...

HPR3260: Free, Public Domain and Creative Commons Assets

January 29, 2021 00:00 - 11 MB

In preparation for doing some sample exercises I wanted to first explain about how you can use images and fonts that are not restricted or are available under license terms that are not too restrictive. Any image that is intended for public display or for commercial purposes could be liable for copyright infringement if care is not taken. Fortunately, there are many resources available that you can use, and we look at some of the better ones. Links: https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/ https://...

HPR3259: Nextcloud - The easy way

January 28, 2021 00:00 - 4.73 MB

https://peyanski.com/personal-cloud-from-home-nextcloud-on-raspberry-pi/#Nextcloud_initial_setup sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y Start the Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi installation with the following script. curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/nextcloudpi/master/install.sh | sudo bash Github script content https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/nextcloudpi/master/install.sh #!/bin/bash # NextCloudPi installation script # # Copyleft 2017 by Ignacio Nu...

HPR3258: Linux Inlaws S01E22: The Linux Professional Institute

January 27, 2021 00:00 - 32.6 MB

Linux Professional Institute: https://www.lpi.org Kali Linux: https://www.kali.org Anti-pox of the week (Java is broken): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2210720/how-to-analyse-a-noclassdeffounderror-caused-by-an-ignored-exceptionininitialize Book of Monsters: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7260818 Tucker and Dale vs. Evil: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1465522 The serpent (BBC series): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Serpent_(TV_series) Grumpy Old Coders (epside 6): https://soundc...

HPR3257: Lack of diversity in Linux and other open source communities

January 26, 2021 00:00 - 6.55 MB

Why is there a lack of diverse voices and faces in the world of Linux and open source Free software but it's not made available to the very people who could really benefit from it Lack of training in schools when it comes to Linux and other open source software

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