Chatbots, Bitcoin Prices, Lead Generation, and More in Process Hacker News

Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got chatbots, bitcoin prices, lead generation, and more.

For all the links, check out the show notes at


This year from June 7 to 8 in Atlanta, Summit 21 is hosting a conference for Black women centered on entrepreneurship and leadership, and their roster of speakers includes Nicaila Matthews-Okome.

Build your community and learn from the world’s top content creators, including Sarah Cooper, Brennan Dunn, Pat Flynn, Nathan Barry, Jeff Goins, and more at Craft + Commerce, happening in Idaho from June 7 to 10. Pat, Nathan, and Jeff were mentioned by Hack the Process guests Nicaila Matthews-Okome, Omar Zenhom, Paula Jenkins, Justin McGill, and Curtis McHale.

You can now register for the Mindfulness and Trauma Conference for presentations by Rhonda Magee and other leaders about how to heal trauma through the practice and science of mindfulness. The event will run from August 2 to 4 in Rhinebeck, New York.

Our latest Hack the Process guest, Maneesh Sethi spent part of his entrepreneurial journey living in caves, and on the Optimal Living Daily Podcast, he shares how he did it and how he fights distractions in daily life.

Chat bots can be helpful for your web visitors, and Omar Zenhom has a new podcast episode about the benefits and disadvantages as he breaks them down.

Nicole Holland guests on the Marketing Speak Podcast to reveal how you can generate leads by leveraging your podcast. And on Conversations with Carrie, Nicole shares more of her entrepreneurial adventures as well as her weight loss journey.

Get to know Mallory Wisong, virtual assistant to Paula Jenkins and a certified life coach. Find out why she believes in leaving room for the unexpected, and how it can lead to incredible things on the Jumpstart Your Joy Podcast.

The Coin Mastery show returns after a few months with a new video from host Carter Thomas. Crypto investors can discover the latest Bitcoin price trends and hear about the path to $30K.

The Computer Science Teachers’ Conference, where Sasha Ariel Alston took part as a speaker, wrapped up last May 4, and they’ve published a post that covers all the lessons learned.

Recommended Resources
Some seats are still available for the first FlynnCon1, an in-person conference from July 26 to 28 in San Diego, California run by Pat Flynn, whose podcast has been mentioned by Nicaila Matthews-Okome, Omar Zenhom, and Paula Jenkins.

Can you get rich while investing none of your own cash? Apparently, you can, according to Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, whose writings inspired JuVan Langford. Listen as Robert compares investing your own money to leveraging other people’s money on The Rich Dad Channel.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.