Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green.

This week we’ve got advice about focusing your intentions, getting that book published, and how seriously to take the new year’s resolutions you just made. Remember, if you sign up you can get all this delivered right to your inbox every week, along with a few exclusive updates for the Process Hackers on our mailing list. Enjoy!


Start the year with a good laugh! Go check out comedian Sarah Cooper’s site for information about her upcoming shows in 2018.


Be inspired by Adam Siddiq’s grandfather’s true tale of captivity and strength through suffering in Adam’s new book, Shackled: A Journey from Political Imprisonment to Freedom.


New Year, new you shouldn’t be the case. Hear what JuVan Langford has to say about waiting until a new year starts to make changes for the better.

What is that One Thing you seriously want to focus on? Jay Wong interviews Jay Papasan, co-author of the bestselling book “How to Focus On One Thing,” about why this matters.

Finding your fans and making a living as an artist can be tricky. Jeff Goins talks about that with Tom Corson-Knowles.

Get your dose of rhetoric as Daniel Coffeen elaborates on the radical empiricism of rhetoric in a recent interview. Plus, read The Delirium of Empiricism, a blog post Daniel just published.

Sponsoring a major conference can cost some serious cash. Find out how much it could be, and how to determine if it’s worth the investment, from Omar Zenhom.


Our latest Hack the Process guest, Ron Carucci shares scientific evidence that proves timing is essential for successful change.

Recommended Resources

Join The Mindfulness and Meditation Summit for free on January 22, where some of the leaders in the field like Shefali Tsabary, Chade-Meng Tan, Pema Chodron, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Jack Kornfield are speaking. They were all recommendations made by Heather Chauvin, Bill Duane, Lisa Dale Miller, Rhonda Magee, Kate Swoboda, Jenny Feinberg and Loic LeMeur.

Author Julia Cameron reminds you to Keep the drama on the page in her latest blog post. She has been a great influence on Jay Wong, Loic LeMeur and Heather Chauvin.

Want to know how to become a published author in 90 days? The new episode of Entrepreneur on Fire with Self Publishing School Podcast host Chandler Bolt might help. Tom Morkes, Nicaila Matthews and Nicole Holland have all spoken highly of John Lee Dumas.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.