Happy New Year from the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got tips on picking small-cap cryptocurrency coins, perspectives on adopting a code of conduct, advice on finally quitting that job or breaking up with that client (you know the one), and more. Enjoy!

For all the links, check out the show notes at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-january-8-2018/

It’s a new year, and some of you might be thinking of quitting your jobs as a New Year’s Resolution. Nicaila Matthews tells you what it was like when she did it herself a year ago.

Carter Thomas shares five lessons from 2017 that will help create profits for 2018! He also talks a bit about three of his favorite small cap coins in the ever-changing cryptocurrency market.

Truly Social at trulysocial.ca can help you connect to your customers through content, and they’re celebrating their second anniversary. Congratulations, Tara Hunt!

Just a few days remain until Maria Dismondy will be presenting a webinar on The Art of Setting Your Publishing Goals.

Josh Haynam reveals a few secrets in an event: How to Use Quizzes to Generate Leads on January 17. Forbes just recently published an article on Top Web Design Trends In 2018 quoting Josh as well.

Breaking up with a client can be tough, but Brennan Dunn has some helpful tips. He’s also in search of a freelancer who would like to add some CSS animations into their new app. Drop him a message!

Rich Mironov just posted a blog tackling roadmapping and what your audience usually thinks.

Indy Hall has launched their Code of Conduct, and founder Alex Hillman discusses what led to its creation.

Recommended Resources
Seth Godin writes a short, amusing entry about hiding from the mission. He’s also currently accepting sign-ups for The Marketing Seminar. Alex Cespedes and Tara Byrne are two Hack the Process guests influenced by Seth.

Boss Mom founder, Dana Malstaff reveals the number one way to grow and scale a business this year. Dana was recommended by previous Hack the Process guest, Maria Dismondy.

The Insanity Check podcast just had Leslie Mac on as a guest. She talks all about breaking the cycle in 2018. Michelle Kim recommended following Leslie.

Mind Valley by Vishen Lakhiani has an event coming up: Unlimited Abundance Annual Masterclass featuring Christie Marie Sheldon. Vishen was mentioned by Michelle Dale in her interview.