What does an inclusive economy look like to you? Director of The Inclusivity Project, Chris Horton, is here to break it down for us! He’ll teach us how we can create equal opportunities for ALL by elevating Black and minority owned-businesses. The mission of The Inclusivity Project is to support small business owners by challenging systemic and institutional barriers that limit access to Black entrepreneurial success. An inclusive economy is one that includes all voices at the table. Tune in as we break down the steps towards achieving full financial freedom, security, and stability for everyone, and what we can do to get involved. More from Chris Horton: 

Visit www.theinclusivityproject.com 

Email: [email protected] 

Call: 408-823-2660 

LinkedIn: @Chris Horton & @The Inclusivity Project

Instagram: @theinclusivityproject

Facebook: @InclusivityProject

Twitter: @ChrisHorton637@InclusivityProj


More From Jesse & Small Business Front: 

Visit: https://www.smallbusinessfront.com/

LinkedIn: Small Business Front

LinkedIn: Jesse Torres, Founder-SBF

Instagram: @smallbizfront

Twitter & Facebook: @SmallBizFront


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