We all have difficult people in our lives, whether they be coworkers or family members. Whether you’re dealing with an impossible boss who consistently demands more from your time than what has been allotted for the day; finding yourself constantly interrupted during meetings by someone screaming out questions while others seem patiently waiting their turn; having no choice but to tolerate that one relative who never stops talking - it can feel like there's nothing we CAN do about these situations! If this sounds familiar, then tune in to this episode.

Brian Sirgutz is the Founder and CEO of Ampathy, a new Impact platform that turns everyone into a culture-shifting philanthropist.

Grab a copy if both of Bart’s latest books, a totally free gift to listeners. 
Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy

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About - Shaahin Cheyene -
Hi, my name is Shaahin Cheyene and I help individuals and owners transform average sales into extraordinary income using my predictable sales system that never fails. Whether you have zero online sales, want to start on Amazon, or have products that just need a push, I can show you how to do it. If you're interested in getting more sales with predictability, watch my FREE CASE STUDY Now! 

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