Are you ready to tackle the number one sin in business? In this episode of the Habit Based Lifestyle podcast, we dive deep into the topic of pride and how it can hold us back from achieving our goals. 

You know, pride is often misunderstood. It's not about confidence or self-esteem, but rather about being a know-it-all and refusing to do the necessary work to achieve the results we desire. It's about being unwilling to ask for help, thinking we can do it all on our own. But here's the thing, my friend, there are so many resources available to us today, and it's time to overcome our pride and seek assistance when needed.


What you will learn:

The number one sin in business

Afraid to fail and take risks

The awareness of pride

The role of pride in achieving goals


Learn more about Jesse through the following links:

HBL Lifestyle Secrets Group on Facebook

Personal Website

HBL Website

